
Counseling Case Management

Through social, psychological, medical, educational, and language diagnoses, we establish support plans that meet the multidimensional needs of our clients and their families. Furthermore, we deploy diagnosis and counseling to establish a plan to support self-reliance of the residents with disabilities in housing designed for independent living, case management for housebound people with disabilities, and health support services, etc.

Rehabilitation Service Usage Procedure

Occupational therapy

Functional Enhancement Support

Provides personalized services to improve exercise, cognition, communication, and social adaptability for infants, children, teenagers and adults as well as supporting increased opportunities for social participation. In addition, training opportunities to share rehabilitation information with guardians are held

Programs: Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, music therapy, psychomotorik, aquatic exercise, etc.

Programs for fathers raising children with disabilities

People with Disabilities Family Support

We build family happiness together not only by offering professional family support counseling, but also through running summer & winter schools, after-school activities, weekend family programs, etc. We support pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, and self-help group advocacy activities to promote the welfare of women with disabilities.

Programs: Parental education, programs for fathers raising children with disabilities, Youth self-reliance preparation programs, parental consulting, travel assistance programs for the families of people with disabilities, etc.

Disability Awareness Improvement Education

Capacity Building and Advocacy

We promote peer understanding and build fellowship through self-help groups for people with disabilities, club activity support, etc. We also run advocacy counseling for people with developmental disabilities and their families who are experiencing rights violations, discrimination, or difficulties in resolving unfair treatment. 

Programs: Civil Advocate Program, Disability Awareness Improvement Education, Independent Advocacy, etc.

Vocational competency development training

Job support

We support the employment and self-reliance of our clients through systematic vocational rehabilitation services, from job evaluation to client-centered personalized vocational adaptation training, job placements, and post-employment adjustment support. We provide consulting on the employment of people with disabilities and build networks of the practitioners of vocational rehabilitation institutions.

Programs: Job evaluation, vocational competency development training, job counseling, vocation analysis for people with disabilities and employment consulting on employing people with disabilities, etc.

Gangdong-gu CBR Conference

The Local Community Network

In order to strengthen the networks of people with disabilities in the local community, we support civil advocacy activists, local community cooperation projects, and Gangdong-gu public-private partnership projects, etc. We also run activities to create an inclusive educational environment, activities to improve disability awareness, and volunteering and sponsorship activities.

Programs: Presentations on local welfare practice cases, volunteer work, the Gangdong-gu public-private partnership project, etc.

Daytime activity support programs for adults with developmental disabilities

Lifelong Education Support

We operate a daytime activity support program for adults with developmental disabilities. The program comprises: health care· self-determination skill improvement· hobbies & leisure activities· daily living skills improvement· and family connection programs. In addition, we also run community based lifelong education & culture programs.

Programs: Daytime activity support programs for adults with developmental disabilities, culture & art programs for adults (dance, performing art, etc.), community-oriented lifelong education small groups, etc.

Speech therapy

Developmental Rehabilitation Service

We carry out psychological exercise programs for children receiving developmental rehabilitative services and those in receipt of treatment support from the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education. Furthermore, we also conduct individual language therapy for communication skills improvement.

Programs: speech therapy, psychomotorik

Online streaming

Operation Support & Planning Promotion

We create a client-centered environment through our business operations across the community rehabilitation center, research, administrative support, transparent budget execution, facility & safety management, vehicle operations, cafeteria operations, etc. In addition, we share a wide variety of news about, and the achievements of, the community rehabilitation center both on and offline.

Programs: Human resources, safety management, cafeteria operations, sponsorship, distribution of rehabilitation textbooks, human resource development, research, publication of annual reports, PR for communities (citizens), the operation of community rehabilitation center web channels, etc.
