Committee of Multidisciplinary Collaboration

Service Planning Committee

Service Planning Committee

We provide the information necessary for establishing a rehabilitation plan for people with disabilities and operate procedures to bestow the correct rehabilitation and service direction. We establish the service usage plans through diagnosis and multi-domain meetings across the relevant fields, including social, medical, psychological, educational, language, occupational diagnosis services etc.

PCP (Person Centered Practice) Action Committee

PCP (Person Centered Practice) Action Committee

Based on the concept of person-centered practice, we improve the quality of rehabilitative services through individual support and multi-domain collaboration. We reinforce our employees’ capacity for practicing PCP and establish individual support plans through PCP practice case meetings.

Independent Living Support for People with Developmental Disability

Independent Living Support for People with Developmental Disability

Aids the establishment of support plans for people with disabilities by providing counseling, evaluation, and coaching to the operations manager of self-reliant housing and community living home who is responsible for establishing self-reliance support plans for deinstitutionalized and local people with developmental disabilities in Seoul.

Human Rights & Advocacy Committee

Human Rights & Advocacy Committee

We increase the human rights sensitivity of our employees and improve their professionalism as human rights advocates. We strengthen the human rights of people with disabilities throughout the community rehabilitation center’s operations and businesses and establish a support system for daily rights protection and to activate independent rights protection projects.
