Math 4-5

This week we will concentrate on Addition. There will be separate activities and interactive games to strengthen your skill set.

Joke of the Week

Why do golfers bring in extra pair of socks?

In case they get a hole in one!

Activity to Support

Make mental math more interesting and challenging with these problems.

  1. Start with the number of letters in the alphabet

add the number of sides of a pentagon

add the number of wings on a dragonfly

add the number of days of the week

add the number of legs on a chair


2. Start with the number of fingers on two hands

add the number of dimes in a half dollar

add the number of legs on a spider

add the months of the year

add the number of wheels on a tricycle


3. Start with the number of sides of a rectangle

add the number of seconds in a minute

add the number of legs on an ant

add the number of quarts in a gallon

add the number of horns on a rhinoceros


Printable Activities to Support

mad math 4 pg 8 4-5.pdf
Fishy Fun addition 4-5.pdf
math mania page 5 4-5.pdf

Interactive Activities to Support

The word “hundred” comes from the old Norse term, “hundrath”, which actually means 120 and not 100.