
Vocabulary knowledge is important because it included all the words we must know to access our background knowledge, express our ideas and communicate effectively, and learn about new concepts. Students word knowledge is linked strongly to academic success, students who have large vocabularies can understand new ideas and concepts more quickly than students with limited vocabularies.

Activities to Support

10 Games to Play with ANY Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary instruction is so important! A large vocabulary will help students to become better readers and writers. Checkout this routine that was created to keep vocabulary simple and fun!

Activities to Grab & Go Support

Read these short poems to see if you and your child can figure out the answers! E-mail your child's teacher with their answers!

Printable VOCABULARY Units to Support


Fine-tune your child's thinking skills using vocabulary strategies to make meaning. Reading comprehension depends upon the meaning readers give words. Try one of these vocabulary units to build extra meaning for your child: Math Sizes, Around the House or Animal Adaptations!

This week play a game with these words! Before you take your turn on a board game like Candy land, have your child read a vocabulary word. Once they read word they can provide the word in a sentence or come up with a definition!

Around the House.pdf
Animal Adaptations Week 1 Vocabulary.pdf

Interactive Activities to Support