Jacobsen Endowed Fund
Rachel Jacobsen, past SCSCA president
Scholarship Fund for Students
To honor the memory of our beloved past SCSCA president, Rachel Jacobsen, we established an endowed fund at the University of Washington. The aim of this fund is to help UW students study abroad at the University of Cantebury in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The fund is administered by the University of Washington and is called the Rachel & Ken Jacobsen, New Zealanders of Seattle and Seattle-Christchurch Sister City Endowed Fund for Students.
How can you help?
We are eager to increase the size of our endowment for generations to come. We eagerly welcome donations from members of the public, friends of Seattle, Christchurch, the University of Canterbury and New Zealand. Please consider making a one off or recurring donation or even an employer-matching donation.
Donations are warmly received and can be made in one of three simple ways:
Electronically through the University of Washington:
UW Endowment Site - please search for:
Rachel & Ken Jacobsen New Zealanders of Seattle Endowment Fund
Written checks can be mailed to:
UW Foundation
PO Box 359505
Seattle WA 98195
*Please note in the memo line: "FOR THE JACOBSEN NEW ZEALAND ENDOWMENT"
Electronic payment to the SCSCA Square Online payment account:
*Please email finance@seattlechristchurch.org to confirm your donation and to receive a receipt.