Christchurch Sister City Committee
Christchurch Sister City
We have an incredibly strong link with our parallel sister city committee in Christchurch Ōtautahu. Together we have collaborated on numerous artistic and cultural projects. The logo to the left belongs to the City of Christchurch and shows many of their other sister cities around the world. Seattle's very own Space Needle is prominent in this image.
The two largest artistic projects that we have collaborated which are loated in Christchurch Ōtautahu are:
Taurapa - by artist: Chris Booth
Solidarity Grid - by artist: Mischa Kuball
Further information on both installations are below as well as recent images of the artwork.
Solidarity Grid by Mischa Kuball
Mischa Kuball’s Solidarity Grid is based in the act of giving and the positive symbolism of light. Solidarity Grid was commissioned by the Christchurch Ōtautahu City Council and project produced by SCAPE Public Art.
Over a period of three years, beginning with SCAPE 7 in 2013, a single streetlamp from each of 21 cities around the globe was gifted to Christchurch as a gesture of solidarity with the city during its recovery and rebuild process. These streetlamps have been installed along a section of Park Terrace, providing a literal as well as symbolic exploratory trail of light for pedestrians and cyclists.
The Solidarity Grid street lights from partner cities are located in Park Terrace between Armagh and Peterborough Street.
Taurapa by Chris Booth
The Kāi Tahu kaumātua Maurice Nutira helped locate the boulders for this project. Waka (canoe) once plied this river, and the form of the sculpture is reminiscent of the stern post of a waka.
The land here is an alluvial deposit from the Southern Alps, from where these boulders came. Chief Seattle in his prophecy warned of the fragility of the cycles of nature. Boulders are balanced against the uplifted sandstone slab, recognizing that fragility and inviting destruction by man.
230 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch City Central, Christchurch, 8013, New Zealand