"Community service will cause a positive ripple effect. The only thing you have to do is make the first splash." -L.D

Monetary donations: ANY AMOUNT IS APPRECIATED from individual donors and business sponsors! These allow us to continue or efforts and expand our mission even further.
Good Neighbor Sponsorship: In appreciation of generous donations of $500 or more, you will be FEATURED (write up/ reviews/podcast episode) on the neighborhood page for a year and shared with our community via our Social Media pages.
Sharing is caring:Share our website and social media information! This is a free and effortless way to support us in reaching more individuals, schools, and recovery centers that need help. 

Facebook Page 

Instagram Page 

Tik Tok Page 

Give back:Please consider donating your gently used adult clothing. These donations can be submitted from any state! We use a program called Give Back Box or you can reach out to us via email and see if we have a clothing drive set up in your state!

Give Back Box 

Let's collaborate:We can work with you and/or your business to offer more to the community together! In-kind donations can consist of goods/services to be donated to Sean's Dream or any one of the facilities we are supporting. We can also use gift certificates to raffle off as a fundraiser that will bring more awareness to your business as well!  

Click Here for In-Kind Donation  

We are Currently taking volunteer applications

Please consider submitting an application so that we can find the best possible position for you. We are looking for motivated people to join us in our growing mission to help support those in recovery. We want you to find your passion and run with it... we want to be able to form a relationship with you so that we can help you to understand the ripple effect that community service can bring to someone's life. The enrichment and sustainable life changing possibilities that it can bring to you and also someone else, is something that can happen just by following your passion and purpose. 

There is a position for every personality. Not into public speaking? Want to volunteer from home? Want to be involved in community promotions? Want to influence today's youth? Prefer to work with adults instead of the kiddos... no problem. Already have NPO experience, want to contribute on our board of directors? Let's chat. 

You can Choose your position based on your passion. want to learn more about available positions? click here!

*Website/Social Media support 

*"Outside perspective" team member

*Nonprofit Lawyer

    *Community Events Team member

Frequently asked questions click here

Is this donation tax-deductible?

SeansDream is a 501(c)3 tax except organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S law. To claim a donation as a tax deduction on your U.S taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation.  

Is my donor information kept private?

We will not sell, share or trade our donors' names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.

Can I mail A Donation to Sean's Dream?

Yes, you can donate by mail at: P.O Box 114 Goshen NY 10924

Why do I have to submit an application?

Submitting an application will allow us to place you in the best position possible for you based on what it is you like to do. No-one wants to volunteer their time doing something they don't like, they always want to feel useful and appreciated. When you submit an application, we can make sure that all of your needs are met so that you can help to provide service to others to the best of your abilities, if there is something new you would like to learn more about, we can provide that also. 

Can I just show up at an event to help without submitting an application. 

we always appreciate all hands-on deck, however if you show up at an event that has specific requirements for volunteer qualifications and you do not meet those requirements, we may not be able to put you to use on that day, to save everyone from that happening, we recommend submitting an application. (For example, some events require those that are under 18 to have a parent for supervision.)

Students can run a " socks for souls" Drive for a volunteer project for school!

Volunteering is not only good for your physical health but keeps you mentally fit as well. Regular interaction with others develops a solid support system, and the social contact aspect of helping others can have profound effects on your overall psychological well-being. Volunteering not only provides you with a feel-good factor and contentment of doing something good for others but also gives you a sense of purpose. 

Why DOnate?​​​​​​

Taking the time to invest in a donation to Sean’s Dream is going to allow us to continue our missions and vison. You should not think of it as a donation but as an investment to your community.

We will be able to run successful fundraising events, provide more basic needs for those in facilities, set up free libraries in recovery centers. We will continue to lighten the burden of everyday living needs on those in recovery so that they can focus more on mental health and less on the stress of how they will afford new clothes or shoes. 

We will be able to pay for our operating, administration, and marketing costs. We hope to be able to extend our resources of relaxation and mental health retreats to support the staff of our community's mental health and substance use recovery facilities. 

The success of our ideas and possibilities are endless with the help of donations and support.  If you are here on this page, then you are already a positive factor in a worldwide movement.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please consider donating to Sean’s Dream so we can continue to grow this all-inclusive worldwide community. Always stay focused on positive steps in the right direction and you’ll always REACH YOUR DISTANCE.​​​​​​

With Love,

​​​​The Sean’s Dream Family 

Our purpose is to increase recovery capitol for those in the community. Donation distribution to the recovery centers is just one way that we support our community.

Merchandise sales, In- Kind Donation Raffles, school and business fundraiser's along with community outreach events are just some efforts that help us to generate more revenue to support our mission. 

When a family volunteers together with us it's a great way to teach our younger generation about being other centered.