Intent, Implementation and Impact


The careers programme reflects the school's intention to prepare students for life in modern Britain and fulfil the mission statement of 'engaging minds, broadening horizons'. We want our students to make a positive contribution to their local community now and in the future, as well as recognise and embrace the wealth of opportunities that are available to them within the north-east and also beyond. We want to help the young people of Seaham make informed decisions about their own futures, managing key transition points with confidence and positivity. The careers programme reinforces key elements of the school's overall vision, which includes (but is not limited to) developing:


Our CEIAG provision starts from Year 7, and focuses around employability skills and preparation for key milestones such as the options process in Year 9 and decisions relating to post-16 choices that are made in Year 11. The entitlement for each student includes the following:

The delivery of CEIAG incorporates a wide variety of delivery methods:


The impact of the school's CEIAG provision is audited on a termly basis, by using Compass+ to assess the extent to which each Gatsby Benchmark is being met (see section under 'information for parents'). The careers leader meets regularly with the Careers Hub Facilitator from the North East Local Enterprise Partnership to discuss best practice and review the school's provision, and is also in contact with other careers leaders from schools within the academy trust. Perhaps the clearest indicator of the success of the careers programme is the number of students who become NEET (not in education, employment or training) after they leave school. This figure has historically been very low, and reflects the success we have in supporting students to take their next steps. 

2022: 2.2% of students NEET (County Durham average 3.1%)

2021: 1.3% of students NEET (County Durham average 2.9%)

2020: 1.2% (County Durham average 3.1%)

2019: 0.7% (County Durham average 2.6%)

2018: 2.6% (County Durham average 2.6%)

Figures taken from the local authority's annual indicative activity survey reports.  2022 %data published is reflective of recent NEET updates from the retrospective survey report.