Studio 2023-24

The studio for 2023 - 24 focuses on the progressive experiments from the research work at SEA ( to arrive at a production of prototypes. These are tests to make material diagrams in glass fiber and resin under the gravity and as folds experimenting with the techniques of origami. The intent is to scale it up to a 1:1 scale production of these material diagrams in later stages.

This group focused on achieving forms by suspending the cut pieces of any cloth material for experiments eventually heading to glass fiber under the influence of gravity to achieve the desired curve in a 120x120x120cm cube apparatus eventually.

This group focused on making and designing a unit module which could be repeatable forming different spatialities. The experiments were performed using fibre glass mesh and resin solution in a gravity shifting 300x300x300mm cube apparatus. 

This group focused on executing folds to develop steady forms. Starting on paper with smaller geometries and tessellations these experiments further delved into a deeper material analysis, eventually concluding it with fiberglass, random mesh and resin.