9 M - Pavilion

9 M - Pavilion 

Intent:  To explore more possibilities of the material and create a bigger 

scaled structure using the origami method.


Trying different geometries using  an A4 sized paper [ 21x29cms ] to find 

the design with the most structural integrity and with a larger span than

 the previous structure.

The final geometry with the desired larger span and height.


Recreating the same geometry on a much bigger scale,

this time using fiberglass. The geometric folds were then

taped and resin was applied to the material in order to

harden it.


After the first layer of resin was dried the next step was to apply random mesh. 

 random mesh was cut into several panels, then these cut

 outs were carefully placed on the  fiber glass avoiding the fold edges. 

 The resin was applied over the random mesh cutouts by dabbing with a sponge.


Once the random mesh layer was dried the tape was removed.

The structure was then  folded to achieve the desired form,

but multiple undesirable creases developed on the fabric due

 to the improper application of the tape. 

This caused difficulty while executing the folds properly.


Inserting metal rods cross-sectionally to help hold the structure in place,

as the materialistic properties of resin turn the structure flexible after hardening,

making it difficult to handle. 


The structure was then lifted up with the help of several support members 

to hold it in place as the base  couldn't withstand the weight of the structure.