About PALs

What is PALs?

The PALs (Peer-Assistant Listeners) program is designed to provide students with a confidential peer support system. This system provides academic, social, and emotional support that gives students the opportunity to talk to fellow CCA students with whom they may better relate to.

The PALs also throw events like Stress Less Week & Community Day, that are focused on mental wellness and community.

What to expect when meeting with a PAL?

You will meet someone who will accept you and listen without judgement. We will not tell you what to do about your situation. However, we will ask questions, while respecting your boundaries, and provide you with resources both on and off campus when applicable. We believe that you are the only expert on your wants, needs, and feelings, so we listen in a way that allows you to work through things for yourself.

What can I talk about?

Anything! During our training, we learn about anxiety, stress, first year adjustment, relationships, and other experiences CCA students could be dealing with at any given time. Confidentiality is the number one priority for PALs.

We are strictly prohibited from talking with anybody about the conversations we have with students. It is very important to us that we maintain the integrity of our privacy policy.

However, there are certain times when we must break confidentiality.

A PAL is required to break confidentiality under 4 circumstances:

- A student is harming themself

- A student is harming others

- A student is being harmed by someone else

- A felony may have been committed or illegal substance abuse is occurring.

If any of these circumstances are discussed, we will talk with a counselor or an administrator about what you have shared with us. If this happens, we will inform you beforehand and will provide you options as to when, how, and with whom we move forward.