
Week 17

Hello Everyone,   


Last Week

So much to appreciate about the incredible orchid!  Thank you again to our guest presenter, Dr. Peter Tobias.  Attached is some extra info that some of you requested.


This Week   

As our semester winds down, we have one more exciting virtual voyage—to one of the coldest places on earth: Antarctica! Sue will take us to a most  frigid, forbidding, and yet peaceful continent.


Learn more by reviewing this week’s Class Website



In preparation for our final RSD session of the semester on June 4th and 5th, we’ll be sending a separate email with a student feedback survey.





Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:30 AM-10:45 AM. We hope to see you there this week!  Just follow the link that Sue sends you, or click on it here just prior to the session:  


Emily and Sue   



Week 16

Hello Everyone,   


Last Week

Now it’s clear why the term Pura Vida applies to the biodiverse country of Costa Rica. What an enchanting country!


This Week   

We have a wonderful schedule change featuring orchid maestro Peter Tobias, who will present an orchid extravaganza! We’ll learn how to recognize an orchid, how they are named, and how to care for them.  Most important, we’ll learn about the Orchid Conservation Alliance and its efforts to preserve the natural habitats of the orchid.


About our Speaker:


Peter Tobias, Ph.D., is a retired Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Scripps Research Institute Director. Peter is the former president and CEO of the Orchid Conservation Alliance, and he has been a member of the San Diego County Orchid Society Conservation Committee, the Orchid Specialist Group, and the Orchid Digest.  He is recipient of the Orchid Digest Medal of Honor, 2018. 


Learn more by reviewing this week’s Class Website



Both classes will be at 9:30, and if you’d like to attend the live presentation that will be on Tuesday morning. We hope to see you there this week!  Just follow the link that Sue sends you, or click on it here just prior to the session:  


Emily and Sue   


Week 15

Hello Everyone,   


Last Week

Many thanks to our California National Parks speaker for teaching us about fire ecology and the giant sequoias in Calaveras Big Trees State Park. This presentation made us think about the relationship between how we humans manage and protect our precious wilderness.


This Week   

On a related note: we’ll travel to Costa Rica and learn (among other things) how this small but efficient country manages to protect its vast biodiverse environment and the species who inhabit it.


Learn learn more by reviewing this week’s Class website!



Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:30 AM-10:45 AM. We hope to see you there this week!  Just follow the link that Sue sends you, or click on it here just prior to the session:  


Emily and Sue   




Week 13


Last Week

Our journey to Rajasthan awed us with North India’s fascinating flavors and customs. Such a rich history!


This Week   

And speaking of history, this week’s destination takes us to two cities in Scotland: the sister cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh. Sue will take us on a tour, and reveal the backstory to such Scottish phenomenon as kilts, Scotch whiskey, bagpipes and more.


Be sure to learn more about Scotland by reviewing this week’s Class Website



Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:30 AM-10:45 AM. We hope to see you there this week!  Just follow the link that Sue sends you, or click on it here just prior to the session:  


Emily and Sue   



Week 10

Hello Everyone,   


Last Week

We learned about the history and culture of two unique West African countries: Mali and Senegal. What a contrast to other places we’ve traveled this semester!


This Week   


It’s your chance to catch the California history program you might have missed the week of March 12-13. Back in March we recorded both of the sessions:

·      “The Bear Flag Revolt” (tells the fascinating story behind our state flag) and

·      “Allensworth and the California Buffalo Soldier Trail” (Ranger Dorian Yarnelson told the story of the remarkable African American leader, Col. Allen Allensworth)


Some of you switched classes that week and some of you participated in both lessons. You can enjoy either (or both) of these programs by clicking on the links to their recorded versions.


PLEASE NOTE:  Sue made her own presentation of the Bear Flag Revolt lesson because Tyler Marley, the presenter of this lesson from the California Parks department, cancelled at the last minute so she used the videos he sent together with our RSD website for this “impromptu”  lesson. 


We’ll return to our live Zoom session (Cambodia) on April 16-17.


Be sure to learn more about our history programs by reviewing the March 12-13 week Class Website.


Here is the link to the Bear Flag Revolt:


Here is the link to the Buffalo Soldier lesson:


Take care, all, and enjoy learning about our state’s history!


Emily and Sue   


Week 9

Hello Everyone,   


Welcome back from Spring Break!

We hope you enjoyed the week off.


This Week   

We’re traveling to Africa to learn about two fascinating cultures in the western part of the continent: Mali and Senegal. Find out how these countries evolved over the centuries, dealt with the struggle for independence, and are making their way in the modern world.


Be sure to prepare for our session by reviewing this week’s Class Website.


By the way, this is assessment week in the Emeritus Program, the time when we evaluate our Student Learning Outcomes. In other words, we find out how well our program is working. We need your help! During class Sue will be asking you two questions.


So you know in advance, here are the questions:


1.        By participating in our RSD classes, I have learned about different cultures, people, and perspectives. Y/N


2.        So far this semester, the culture that has been most interesting is:





Senegal and Mali


You don’t need to take any action now, but be prepared to answer Sue’s question in class, or by email if you can’t attend our Zoom session.



Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:30 AM-10:45 AM. We hope to see you there this week!  Just follow the link that Sue sends you, or click on it here just prior to the session:  


Emily and Sue   



Week 8

Hello Everyone,   


Last Week

We stepped back in time to learn about two fascinating events in California history: The Bear Flag Revolt, and Allensworth and the California Buffalo Soldier Trail.  Thanks again to our speaker, Dorian Yarnelson.


We’ll be repeating these sessions the week of April 9th and 10th with recordings of each lesson so that both sections can enjoy learning these chapters of California history.


This Week   

And now for something completely different…. Sue is taking us far, far north to the land of the Midnight Sun:  Norway! It's cold for sure but extraordinarily wonderful.


Be sure to prepare for our session by reviewing this week’s Class Website.


HEADS UP: NO CLASS NEXT WEEK (March 26-27): It will be Spring Break



Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:30 AM-10:45 AM. We hope to see you there this week!  Just follow the link that Sue sends you, or click on it here just prior to the session:  


Emily and Sue   



Week 7

Hello Everyone,   


Last Week

We took a tour of Chile—a land with a range of terrain, resources, and mix of cultures.


This Week   


We have a special treat: TWO DIFFERENT classes on California history presented by the California State Parks PORTS program. Both are live on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Tuesday, March 12 [9 AM THIS WEEK]: “The Bear Flag Revolt” featuring Tyler Markley of the Sonoma State History Park. This tells the story of our state flag.


Wednesday, March 13 [9:30 AM] : “Allensworth and the California Buffalo Soldier Trail” featuring Dorian Yarnelson. This tells us about Col. Allen Allensworth and his influence on the Buffalo Soldiers of California.


You may attend both classes this week if you prefer live lectures.  The subjects will be switched in mid-April and you will have the recorded version for both classes.


Be sure to prepare for our session sby reviewing this week’s Class Website.



TUESDAY at 9AM—[Note the time change] and Wednesday at 9:30 AM-10:45 AM. We hope to see you there this week!  Just follow the link that Sue sends you, or click on it here just prior to the session:  


Emily and Sue   



Week 6 March 5 and 6

Hello Everyone,  

Last Week

Our journey to the Philippines taught us so much about this beautiful island nation and its rich history.


This Week   

Sue will take us to another part of the globe:  the South American country of Chile. Learn much more about the varied terrain, resources, and resilient people of Chile.


Be sure to prepare for our session by reviewing this week’s Class Website.


Tuesday (recorded this week) and Wednesday at 9:30 AM-10:45 AM. We hope to see you there!  Just follow the link that Sue sends you, or click on it here just prior to the session:  


Emily and Sue   

Week 5  February 27 and 28

Hello Everyone,   


Last Week

Many thanks to Janet Bartel, our guest speaker on Mission San Diego Alcalá. A local re-discovery for sure!


This Week   

Sue will take us to The Philippines--  a beautiful country composed of many islands, with a rich history and complex relationship with the United States. How much do you know about this Pearl of the Orient Sea?


Be sure to prepare for our session by reviewing this week’s Class Website.



Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:30 AM-10:45 AM. We hope to see you there this week!  Just follow the link that Sue sends you, or click on it here just prior to the session:  


Emily and Sue   




Week 1, January 31

Hello Everyone,  


Welcome to Spring 2024 Rediscovering San Diego and the Globe!


We are so happy to have you join us for this new semester! This semester Sue will take you far (clear across the globe) and near (in our very own San Diego backyard) to virtually re-discover the world. As always, Emily Nye will be managing the website this semester.  We’re looking forward to seeing you and meeting those of you who are joining us for the first time on Zoom.  We meet on Tuesdays or Wednesdays (same time, 9:30-10:45).  


Each week, you will receive an email from me (Emily), and one from Sue.  Sue's email will remind you the day before class about the Zoom sessions and provide the zoom links, and I will give you an overview of each week's lesson.


All of this information (Zoom addresses and weekly lessons) can be found on our course website. You can access the website link here.


A direct link to the week's lesson:

Every week you will receive live links that will take you directly to the weekly lesson and related links (zoom information, handout, quizzes, contact information, etc.).   


As we said, you can go to, and click on Weekly Venues. You can use this link to go directly to the orientation page we prepared for you, and get a sneak peek at Sue’s exciting Spring schedule.  


Zoom Sessions:  

Join Sue in the Zoom session on Tuesdays or Wednesdays! 


Just follow the link that Sue sends you, or click on it here just prior to the session. This is the link to her Zoom, and it is the same every week: 



Need help with Zoom?  

Take a look at your Zoom Classroom Page  for instructions, tutorials and more to help you get started.  


This Week  


Because of our Spring Convocation, we won’t hold a live Zoom class this week.


Instead, we’ve posted a semester warm-up for you to ponder. You can watch this one-hour video—a recording we’ve posted on The History of the World. This provides context for the places we’ll go, the people we’ll meet, and the cultures we will explore.


Our first live Zoom sessions will be on February 6 and 7. Sue will provide an orientation to our semester's sessions.


Thank you for choosing our classes. We so look forward to learning and exploring San Diego and the globe together! See you soon on Zoom! 


Emily and Sue