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Introduction to AI and Chat GPT


Last week:  Technology for seniors




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What will we do today?

In this session, we will cover: 

Video:  From Duke University, a simple explanation of AI

What is AI?

AI stands for artificial intelligence and is a way to use technology to solve problems, understand language and even make decisions for you.  You are already using AI in different ways. 

·         Smartphones and virtual assistants:  When you ask Siri or Alexa a question, they understand and respond.  AI can even distinguish between two voices (Our Alexa device recognizes us as Kim and Mary).

·         Email filters:  AI is used to filter out spam emails.  Over time, it learns what is junk mail and what is important.  It learns this with your own interactions as well as using algorithms to predict spam.

·         Navigation apps:  AI is used to provide the best driving directions, analyzing traffic patterns, road closures and even the time of day to suggest the best route.

·         Online shopping and recommendations:  When shopping online, websites may offer recommended products based on what you have ordered before or what others order when they purchase this item.

·         Healthcare devices:  Products like heart monitors and wearable fitness trackers use AI to analyze things like heart rate and activity.  In some cases, they may be able to alert you to potential issues.

·         Social media:  Sites like Facebook use AI to show you things that you might be interested in, based on what you have interacted with before.  They use your connections and your likes to predict who you might want to follow.  And of course, they offer friend suggestions based on friends you have (pulling in data you have provided such as education history, previous locations, pets, interests and more).

AI using Generative Text

Our lesson will be based on AI using generative text, which is text created by a computer program or an artificial intelligence system.  It can be used for things such as summarizing documents, translating, writing, or answering questions. 

It is based on different models, methods and data sources which include neural networks, natural language processing or web scraping.

·         Neural networks are a type of artificial intelligence that mimics the human brain.  They include layers of nodes (artificial neurons) that process and transmit information.  They can learn from data and improve accuracy over time and are used to solve complex and nonlinear problems.

·         Natural language processing is a branch of computer science that deals with analyzing, understanding, and generating natural language, such as English, Spanish, or Chinese.

·         Web scraping:  Extracting information from websites using software tools which mimic human browsing.

Below is a diagram showing the process of data input and training for AI, and adapting it for different tasks.

What is Generative AI?  This video explains the concept, and the problems associated with it including hallucinating and misinformation.

Introduction to AI Chatbots

An AI chatbot is a program within a website or app which uses machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to interpret inputs and understand requests.  Programs are trained on large data sets to recognize patterns and understand natural language.  They can also learn from previous conversations and gradually improve their responses.

Conversational AI chatbots are different than chatbots.  Chatbots are an application of conversational AI but not all chatbots use conversational AI.  Some are rule-based with specific canned responses.  AI chatbots can handle multiple types of conversations and topics and use data to give the most accurate response.  ChatGPT is an AI chatbot which we will discuss in a few moments.  Here are some additional AI chatbots that you may enjoy:  

Video:  What is an AI chatbot?  In this simple short video, we learn more about chatbots.  You will see a difference between rule-based chatbots and AI chatbots.


Created by Google, it uses a conversational AI chatbot used to understand prompts and provide text responses.  AI based on large language models like ChatGPT, but unlike ChatGPT it can access the Internet with information from recently published content.  It is part of the Google Gemini project, which understands not only text but also images, videos, and audio.   It can integrate with Google services like Gmail, Docs, and Drive, helping you to write emails, create documents and presentations.  You can also chat with it about your interests and hobbies.  It can learn from interactions to improve responses over time.  It is available to all Google users (except for enterprise accounts).   It allows you to check with Google to test its accuracy.  You can access it by going to bard.google.com.  There has been a little discussion lately about the accuracy of Bard.

Microsoft Bing

This is an AI chatbot that can search the web, generate text and images, and create imaginative content such as poems, stories, code, and more. It combines search with the top results, providing a single detailed response with citations.  It also has an image creator tool that you can use to create an image.  You can access Bing through the Edge web browser, or if you have a Windows PC, you have a version of it (Copilot) sitting on your task bar.  


Perplexity is a simple tool using ChatGPT.  It does not require a sign in, but (like Bing) can be used directly in the web browser.  It is a conversational search engine which generates answers as well as related topics.   Signing up for a free account allows further interactions.  Enable Copilot for more detailed responses.  It was particularly helpful in that it provides links to resources used.  In addition, your chats are saved in the library for future reference. Access perplexity here

You try it!   

Using each tool, as the same question.  What do you think of the different ways of answering the questions?  Which do you prefer?  Why?

“Explain projectile motion using everyday examples”

“Which came first: the chicken or the egg?”

“Help me brainstorm a title for my short story”

Can you write me a poem?

What is the supercomputer?

Can you explain quantum physics?

Introduction to ChatGPT

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022, is a sophisticated natural language processing tool designed to simulate human-like conversations. It's based on advanced deep learning techniques that generate human-like text by predicting the sequence of words based on its extensive training data. ChatGPT's training involves human input, where conversations are provided, and responses are ranked to enhance its accuracy.

The basic version of ChatGPT is free and accessible to everyone, offering features like text-based conversation and general query resolution. For users seeking enhanced capabilities, such as faster responses, website analysis, image creation, and more advanced options, there is a premium version available at $20/month.

ChatGPT operates through prompts, which can range from straightforward questions (e.g., cleaning a travertine floor) to complex queries involving multiple parameters (e.g., planning a detailed trip to Europe). Users can contribute to its learning process by upvoting or downvoting its responses, helping to refine its accuracy and relevance.

One of the notable features of ChatGPT is its use of tokens. In computing terms, a token represents a piece of information, like a word or part of a word. ChatGPT operates within a token limit, which defines the maximum amount of information it can process or generate in a single response. This limit is critical in shaping the model's responses, especially in complex or lengthy prompts.

OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, is also known for developing other innovative AI tools like DALL-E, an art generator, and Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system.

Not all apps are created equally.  Because the market is full of copycats, make sure that any ChatGPT app that you download is the official version developed by OpenAI. 

ChatGPT does hold limitations and potential drawbacks. These include the risk of outdated information, response limitations based on the user's prompts, copyright issues with sourced material, inherent biases (such as overrepresentation of certain demographics), the potential for misinformation, and privacy concerns, given its open learning model where user data might be exposed.

Example of tokens in ChatGPT


This excellent video describes ChatGPT and the features used.

Image of an online class created using DALL-E


Use one of the above prompts or create a new one to demonstrate ChatGPT.

Comparing Bard, Copilot and ChatGPT

I asked ChatGPT to create a chart comparing Bard, Copilot and ChatGPT.  It used a plug in (diag.am) to create.  It chose the criteria (text generation, code assistance, multimedia interaction, real time interaction, language support, customization options and user interface).  It based ratings for the criteria on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 as the highest.  Below you can see the results. 

Using ChatGPT

Setting Up an Account

Using your ChatGPT account:

The four icons below a response

copy, good feedback, bad feedback, refresh answers

Tips for Using ChatGPT

Adding the ChatGPT to your iPhone or your Android phone

Yes, you can have the app on your phone.  To do so:

·         Go to the app store

·         Search for “ChatGPT”

·         Only choose the app from OpenAI

Effective Prompts

Prompts are the instructions or questions asked of an AI like ChatGPT to get a response (or output).  The prompt can be a question, a statement or a command.  Simple prompts will create simple answers, but a thoughtful prompt may produce a much more meaningful example.  Here are some things to keep in mind with prompts:

·         Clarity:  Be as clear and specific as possible

·         Context:  Providing context helps the AI to understand the background, especially important for complex topics

·         Purpose:  Define what you want from the AI.  Is it information, an opinion, a creative output, a calculation or whatever. 

·         Type of question to ask:

o   Direct questions when asking about facts or specific information

o   Open-ended requests when wanting creative or opinion-based responses (such as “Write a short story about a space adventure)

o   Commands:  For actions like translating, solving a problem or generating an image (such as Translate hello into Spanish)

·         Other tips:

o   Tell the AI about your audience so the answer can be directed to them

o   Sequence the prompts:  start basic and gradually build up to it with follow-up prompts

o   Use examples to guide AI (design an image of a cat in the style of Van Gogh)

Image of a cat sitting on a fence during a full moon from DALL-E

 Practical examples of prompts:

o   Basic information:  What are the health benefits of walking every day?

o   Problem solving:  How can I fix a leaky faucet?

o   Personalized advice:  “I am looking for a cellular plan. I live in San Diego, and often travel to the midwest.  I have an iPhone which I want to take with me.  I have Verizon, but am looking for more coverage and less money.  I also have a watch which uses my data.  Besides my phone and watch, my husband’s phone and watch are also covered.  My current plan is Play more unlimited with a total of $160 for the four devices.” 

o   Creative writing:  Write a short story about a cat sitting on a fence during a full moon contemplating life and the bad choices he has made.

Hands on activities with students using ChatGPT

Use some of the prompts below for demonstrating ChatGPT:

Special considerations


Chats are saved by default for training the chatbot. 

Ethical use

There are ethical questions in using AI.  It often lacks accountability and may be subject to bias.  It may also contribute to social engineering, misinformation and even addiction.

Resources for further learning

Learn about ChatGPT


Using good prompts:

As you begin to use ChatGPT, you may include more details in your requests.  Using the right prompt will enable you to get smarter and more advanced answers.  There are a few sites which provide examples and ideas on prompts.  They include:

Prompts for productivity.pdf