
Microsoft Office (the product)

Although you DO have access to Microsoft Office 365, some people may prefer the actual Office product.  Think Edu is a student site that has software and hardware for sale at low prices.  At this time, they are offering Microsoft Office Professional Plus for $39.  They have additional products on sale as well.  You will have to use your student email for proof that you are a student.  Here is the link: 

Questions?  Try the Senior Computer Group

SCG brochure 2.pdf

Low cost computers and places to donate

Need a low cost computer?  Look to SD Futures foundation ( for low cost computers (refurbished) for seniors.  Another option is Computers 2 kids (  You can also donate electronics at these sites.  

Student software and computers

As students, you are eligible to purchase software (and other technology), some of these at greatly reduced prices.  You would have to prove you are a student.  You have a record of the classes you are taking by going to your portal, and take a screenshot of your class schedule. 

I have seen that some of the deals I have seen in the past are not available.  So, before you get too excited, check these sites and see what you can get.  You will be asked your institution.  You will say San Diego Continuing Education.  Not all deals are available to us.  

Examples of some of the sites:

·         ThinkEDU

·         Academic Superstore 

·         OnTheHub

·         Creation Engine

·         New Egg

·         Academic-Collegiate Software (currently offline)

2020 Technology Fair

Each year, there is a technology fair designed for the adult over the age of 50.  It is meant to help seniors understand technology, and how it can help them in areas like everyday life, health care information, online safety, smart homes and more.   This year, the event was virtual, held over a period of 4 days.   The presentations were recorded, and are now online to view.  When you click on the link, scroll down to Tech talks and select which day you would like to see, and then the talks that you would like to see.   You can then view the presentations on YouTube.   It was a great event, and a wonderful contribution to our understanding of technology!