Band 9/10

This section is still under development

Message from Mr. Craven - August 10, 2022

Ms. Howell and I are thrilled and enormously privileged to be team-teaching this class. Because of the co-directorship of this ensemble, more collaboration time is needed to iron out the specific curriculum and outcomes for this course. But don't worry, information is anticipated by mid October.

Most will agree that two minds are better than one. But some know from experience that a group effort far outweighs the sum of the group member's individual contributions. This experience has gravity for those who recognize its truth, and as a result this course - its contents, literature, outcomes and assessment - will be co-developed between both educators and learners, following the model developed by Canadian educational scholars (and grand-master teachers) Dale Lonis and Ardith Haley. This student-centred approach is a partial departure from the typical prescribed 'top-down' curriculum we have implemented in the past. Learners in this class are truly the core of this music program, and we want them to take a meaningful role in its development and direction.