Maker Challenge January

January 2021

The "Let's Make some MUSIC" Challenge

Happy NEW YEAR!! As we ring in the New Year, what New Year's celebration would be complete without some MUSIC?!

It's time to get your groove on and your let your imagination rock and roll as you design a musical instrument of your choice! It can be something that already exists, like your version of a guitar or flute...or it can be a completely new instrument that you invented yourself! You can use any materials you want- string, rubber bands, boxes, paper towel rolls, toothpicks, paints, leaves, pipe-cleaners, construction paper...anything!! But you must follow the specific rules below so please make sure you read those before getting started.

Please review the GENERAL RULES before continuing on to this month's challenge.

Here are the JANUARY 2021 Challenge Rules:

  1. The instrument MUST be make noise/music of some sort

  2. The instrument MUST be colorful (include at least 5 different colors)

  3. The instrument description MUST include a few sentences about how it works and AND your favorite song to play (and why!)

That's it! The rest is up to you and your imagination!

Please ask your parents to submit your write-up and a picture and/or video (or two!) of your creation to by no later than January 31, 2021.

Grady, 1st Grade

Miles, 1st Grade

Arya, Kindergarten

What did you build and why?

I made a musical instrumental - a "rain stick shaker" that makes sound when you shake it or tap it. It makes sound because it has rice inside.

What is one thing you learned?

I learnt how to make musical instruments. I learnt that a box with rice or beans inside makes sound if you shake it.

What is something you will improve next time?

Next time I want to add more decorations and put other things like beans and marbles inside to make different sounds.

Elias, 1st Grade

What did you build and why?

I built a drum because it is noisy.

What is one thing you learned?

I learned that the paper makes a difference and can make it louder or softer.

What is something you will improve next time?

I will add Lego pieces inside to make it more noisy.

Natalie , 1st Grade

What did you build and why?

I built maracas. I built maracas because I like things that shake and make jingling sounds. I used my mom's jewelry boxes, and put beads inside of the boxes. I poked a hole in the boxes and put a popsicle stick in the hole. I used pink, turquoise, blue, red, and green colors to decorate.

What is one thing you learned?

I learned that instruments are not as hard to make as they look. And it is fun to make instruments.

What is something you will improve next time?

I would improve by putting more color and detail and making the instruments look more realistic.

Colin, TK

What did you build and why?

I built a flute, because I like humming noises. I used brown, turquoise, black, pink, orange, and red to decorate

What is one thing you learned?

I learned that some instruments are hard to make, like guitars that have electricity in them. And I learned that instruments do not only need to make sound, they also need to make people happy.

What is something you will improve next time?

I can improve to make it look better.

Mabel, 1st Grade

