Ski Basics

Classic Ski symbol of a skier moving

Classic skiing is a movement like running. The snow is packed in two paralleling tracks to hold the skies. The ski’s front and back part glide but a special kick wax underneath the foot to allows to find grip in the snow when the skier pushes off. The athlete moves by pushing off one ski in a straightforward motion.

Skate Skier symbol of a moving skier

Skate skiing is the fastest way to move on skies. The snow on the trail is packed down and flat. The skies are waxed with a glide wax from front to back. The athlete moves by stepping back and forth between both legs in a V-style similar to ice skating or roller skating, pushing off the edge of one ski.

Finetuning Technique

Below links from US Ski and Snowboard provide insight on good technique for various classic and skate movements.