Tier 2 Intervention

Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) Program

Students check-in at the beginning of the day, have teachers rate their behavior on a point card throughout the day, and then check-out at the end of the day.

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Grade Levels: 

All grade levels. More commonly used in elementary and middle schools.


Students who demonstrate low level disruptions such as talking out, talking back, off-task, or out of seat behaviors. It is generally most effective for students who enjoy positive adult attention. It addresses performance/generalization deficits (i.e., "won't do" problems), but skill-building (i.e., "can't do") is also often incorporated into CICO.

How does it work?

Progress Monitoring:

Progress monitoring is using a consistent measurement tool repeatedly over time to track changes in a student’s performance.

There are five logistical options for collecting SEL progress monitoring data. It's important to use a tool that matches your intervention.

Use a standard CICO point sheet that aligns with your school-wide expectations. Here's an example.

Graph your point sheet data in eduCLIMBER. You can view it alongside discipline incidents, attendance, and grades.

Regularly review your data and make data-based decisions. If needed, adjust your intervention to improve student progress.

CICO Fidelity Checklist
Check-In_Check-Out (Missouri PBIS Workbook).pdf

This helpful chapter from Missouri PBIS provides thorough information and answers common FAQs about CICO implementation.

Incentive Menu Examples

A bank of reinforcement resources, including incentive menu ideas. Often, CICO programs leverage the school-wide incentive system.