Tier 2 Intervention

Check & Connect Mentoring

A structured mentor program that uses both systemic monitoring (i.e., "check") and relationship building (i.e., "connect") to promote student engagement.

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Grade Levels: 



Students who are truant, credit deficient, and/or exhibiting minimal interest in school/low academic self-efficacy. Students who express feelings of not belonging at school and/or who have had negative interactions with school staff. It addresses performance/generalization deficits (i.e., "won't do" problems), but skill-building (i.e., "can't do") is also a recommended component.

How does it work?

Progress Monitoring:

Progress monitoring is using a consistent measurement tool repeatedly over time to track changes in a student’s performance.

There are five logistical options for collecting SEL progress monitoring data. It's important to use a tool that matches your intervention.

Use a 0-10 scale (a "DBR") for Academic Engagement. You can even automatically email the DBR to teachers!

Graph your rating scale data in eduCLIMBER. You can view it alongside discipline incidents, attendance, and grades.

Regularly review your data and make data-based decisions. If needed, adjust your intervention to improve student progress.

C&C Monitoring Sheet for High School.pdf

This is an essential tool for a Check & Connect mentor, used to keep track of the student's CHECK data and also to document what the mentor is doing to support the student.

C&C Fidelity Checklist & Intervention Script

This form is based on the Practice Profile for the Check & Connect Mentor created by the University of Minnesota. Either format would be effective for collecting fidelity data.

The Check & Connect Manual is available in SCRED's Lending Library.