Extension Activities

Social Awareness  |  Grades 9-12

Learning Goal 2: Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values, and histories.

Go back: Core Ed.

Go back: Intervention Ed.

Benchmark 1: Demonstrate respect for individuals from different social and cultural groups.

Benchmark 2: Demonstrate understanding of apparent and not apparent community/cultural practices, customs and ways of making meaning that impact communities differently.

Benchmark 3: Demonstrate an understanding of how stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination affect the design of institutions and social structures.

Benchmark 4: Evaluate strategies for recognizing and opposing stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination among individuals, institutions and social structures.

Take it further with academic integration!

Browse a menu of ideas for how to support these benchmarks while you're teaching academic content.

Book, calculator, vial of chemicals, globe, sports ball, painting palette