Extension Activities

Self-Awareness  |  Grades 9-12

Learning Goal 2: Demonstrates awareness of personal strengths, challenges, aspirations and cultural, linguistic, and community assets.

Go back: Core Ed.

Go back: Intervention Ed.

Benchmark 1: Evaluate strengths and challenges in relation to achieving goals (personal, academic, and social).

Benchmark 2: Identify things about themselves that they cannot change and devote their energy to something they can change.

Benchmark 3: Analyze how personal qualities help to contribute to community and family, based on identified interests and strengths.

Benchmark 4: Examine the ways that one’s actions create unjust imbalances in opportunity, access, participation, and success for particular groups of students.

Take it further with academic integration!

Browse a menu of ideas for how to support these benchmarks while you're teaching academic content.

Book, calculator, vial of chemicals, globe, sports ball, painting palette