Integrated SEL Instruction

ELA, 6-8

This is a bank of activity ideas that embed Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into academic content. These practices can be documented in unit guides, lesson plans, etc. On this page, they are organized under the SEL benchmarks for this grade band.

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K-12.SeA.1: Demonstrates an awareness and understanding of own emotions.

6-8.SeA.1.1: Recognize the importance of complex emotions, such as an indicator of a situation that needs attention.

6-8.SeA.1.2: Analyze their emotional states that contribute to or detract from their ability to problem-solve.

6-8.SeA.1.3: Assess emotional reactions in different contexts, such as face-to- face or through electronic communication.

K-12.SeA.2: Demonstrates awareness of personal strengths, challenges, aspirations and cultural, linguistic, and community assets.

6-8.SeA.2.1: Self-reflect to recognize their strengths to meet a need and/or address a challenge.

6-8.SeA.2.2: Analyze how their personal qualities and temperaments influence choices and successes.

6-8.SeA.2.3: Identify and enhance an individual affinity/interest group, such as an extracurricular group or after school group.

K-12.SeA.3: Demonstrates awareness of personal rights and responsibilities.

6-8.SeA.3.1: Demonstrate how to assert rights in a way that respects the rights of others.

6-8.SeA.3.2: Analyze the short and long-term outcomes of choices and behavior.

6-8.SeA.3.3: Identify areas of control one has over situations in life.

6-8.SeA.3.4: Defines their responsibility for the outcomes of safe, risky or harmful behaviors.

K-12.SM.1: Demonstrates the skills to manage and express their emotions, thoughts, impulses and stress in effective ways.

6-8.SM.1.1: Apply strategies to manage stress.

6-8.SM.1.2: Reflect on the positive and negative consequences of expressing their emotions in different situations and contexts.

6-8.SM.1.3: Evaluate the role attitudes play in being successful.

6-8.SM.1.4: Evaluate how ethical values such as honesty, respect and integrity contribute to lifelong success and relationship building.

6-8.SM.1.5: Apply strategies to motivate successful performance (perseverance).

K-12.SM.2: Demonstrates the skills to set, monitor, adapt, achieve and evaluate goals.

6-8.SM.2.1: Connect goal-setting skills to academic, personal and civic success.

6-8.SM.2.2: Monitor progress towards goals and adjust steps as needed.

6-8.SM.2.3: Demonstrate the ability to balance and prioritize multiple goals.

6-8.SM.2.4: Utilize internal and external resources to help achieve goals.

6-8.SM.2.5: Demonstrate the ability to filter feedback from adults and peers.

K-12.SoA.1: Demonstrates awareness of and empathy for individuals, their emotions, experiences and perspectives through a cross-cultural lens.

6-8.SoA.1.1: Analyze how their behavior affects the emotions of others, and determine ways to adjust accordingly.

6-8.SoA.1.2: Summarize another’s point of view.

6-8.SoA.1.3: Predict others’ feelings and perspectives in a variety of situations.

6-8.SoA.1.4: Recognize the factors that impact how they are perceived by others.

K-12.SoA.2: Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories.

6-8.SoA.2.1: Analyze how people of different groups can help one another and show appreciation for one another.

6-8.SoA.2.2: Describe ways that communities and cultures are similar and different.

6-8.SoA.2.3: Recognize how similarities and differences in cultural norms and social cues affect the way people interact.

6-8.SoA.2.4: Explain how decisions and behaviors of individuals affect the well-being of schools or communities.

K-12.SoA.3: Demonstrates awareness of how individuals and groups cooperate toward achieving common goals and ideals.

6-8.SoA.3.1: Explain how individual attitudes and behaviors affect the well-being of their school or community.

6-8.SoA.3.2: Learn about social movements, such as civil rights, abolition and suffrage, and the leaders of the movements and strategies.

6-8.SoA.3.3: Work collaboratively with peers to analyze and address a shared school initiative.

K-12.SoA.4: Demonstrates awareness of external supports and when supports are needed.

6-8.SoA.4.1: Apply qualities of positive peer and adult role models to self.

6-8.SoA.4.2: Recognize a situation when support was needed but students did not ask for it.

6-8.SoA.4.3: Analyze whether peers, school, and community members are supportive or non-supportive in accomplishing goals.

K-12.RS.1: Demonstrates a range of communication and social skills to interact effectively.

6-8.RS.1.1: Understand the different roles in a group, such as leader, facilitator, and follower and how these roles contribute to failure or success in group efforts.

6-8.RS.1.2: Monitor how facial expressions, body language and tone impact interactions.

6-8.RS.1.3: Students are able to respond with positive action steps from feedback.

6-8.RS.1.4: Differentiate between passive, assertive and aggressive responses from others.

K-12.RS.2: Cultivates constructive relationships with others.

6-8.RS.2.1: Demonstrate strategies for resisting negative peer pressure.

6-8.RS.2.2: Identify and demonstrate ways to be involved in constructive, prosocial activities with others.

6-8.RS.2.3: Understand the potential consequences of safe and unsafe behaviors in relationships.

6-8.RS.2.4: Demonstrate ability to develop relationships with peers that are effective and supportive.

K-12.RS.3: Identifies and demonstrates approaches to addressing interpersonal conflict.

6-8.RS.3.1: Reflect on their role in conflict.

6-8.RS.3.2: Identify how all parties in conflict might get their needs met – a win-win situation.

6-8.RS.3.3: Apply conflict resolution skills to de-escalate, defuse, and resolve differences.

6-8.RS.3.4: Identify positive support people to seek out in a conflict situation.

K-12.RDM.1: Considers ethical standards, social and community norms and safety concerns in making decisions.

6-8.RDM.1.1: Analyze the reasons for school rules and local laws and identify the ethical values and social norms they support.

6-8.RDM.1.2: Monitor how decision-making affects progress toward achieving a goal, through reflection on past choices, and social and community norms.

6-8.RDM.1.3: Recognize the effect of peer pressure on decision-making.

K-12.RDM.2: Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations.

6-8.RDM.2.1: Identify and apply the steps of systematic decision-making, using creativity and innovation.

6-8.RDM.2.2: Gather additional information from multiple sources to generate alternative solutions.

6-8.RDM.2.3: Discuss alternatives in relation to multiple contextual factors.

6-8.RDM.2.4: Analyze how decision-making skills affect study habits and academic performance.