Communicating with parents

Orientation evening

The 2020 SFPS parent orientation evening will take place on Wednesday 12 February at SFPS in Burwood. You will hear from the campus leadership, tour the campus and have the opportunity to meet your child's teachers and the other parents in the class.

Parent communication

At SFPS your child will be involved with various staff for their pastoral care as well as their education.

For pastoral care, your first point of contact is your child's classroom teacher. Your child’s teachers will contact you shortly after your child commences.

Overseeing the pastoral care of all students is the Campus Coordinator, who liaises closely with the classroom teachers and Student Services. The Deputy Principal, Primary, is also at the campus each day.

For educational queries, please contact the classroom teacher directly. Teachers are available to answer any queries about your child throughout the year and are best contacted by email or via a phone message which will be returned when they are not teaching.

Students will receive a comprehensive academic report in Terms 2 and 4. The parent / teacher meetings are held in Terms 1 and 3.

If you have any concerns about your child which you feel you need to advise prior to commencement then please contact the Campus Coordinator on 9834 0100.

Communicating with split families

All communication with parents is predicated on the basis that, unless there are court orders in place to the contrary, parents share responsibility for the long term welfare of their children and have the right to be involved in, and communicated with about all relevant issues.

Parents are responsible for advising the College of any changes in their family situation. If parents separate and then reconcile, this information should also be passed on to the College.

The College maintains systems which clearly show the details of both parents to teachers and other relevant staff who are responsible for communicating directly with individual families. Teachers and other staff are trained in how to read and act on this information.

The vast majority of information regarding students' activities and learning is posted on the Scopus App.

Emails or phone calls are only used for individual and private matters.

Consent is required from both parents for their child/ren to participate in activities.

We understand that in some cases, communication between separated parents and sharing of details can be a sensitive issue. We urge all parents to understand that the procedures developed by the College are designed to place their child/ren's welfare as the top priority and allow the staff responsible for their wellbeing to proceed with clarity. Ensuring the information we have remains current is vital to achieving that outcome.

Most tools used by the College (Scopus App, FlexiSchools, SeeSaw, QK Kiosk) are based on individual rather than family user so the processes do not differ for split families, However, for three key tools, Parent Lounge, CareMonkey, and the Driver online booking portal, separated parent/guardian users of these apps may have different or additional procedures when using them from other families - please click here to access.