Class placement and lists

Class placements

Class lists are organised by the Campus Coordinator together with the teachers of the previous year level. Information received from parents, as well as observations from the trial visit are factors considered when placing new students, along with balancing numbers of students and learning needs across the year level. We ensure that new students are placed with at least one requested friend where applicable. Where this is not deemed to be in the best interests of the student/s then parents will be contacted.

For NEW students entering into SFPS please complete the class placement information survey by Thursday 31 October, 2019.

SFPS 2020 class placement information survey

Hebrew classes are streamed according to level of ability in Years 5 and 6. In Year 6, students allocated to the Hebrew extension level will also study Jewish Studies in the Hebrew language.

If a student’s ability is not aligned with the class they have been placed in then the opportunity exists for them to be moved to an appropriate class.

Class lists

Students will receive their class list prior to the Summer holidays; this will allow the opportunity to socialise with children in their class over the break.

Class lists and family contact details for the year group will be made available to parents in the Parent Lounge once school commences. These lists are only to be used for contacting other families for invitations and the like. They are not to be used in any way for commercial, fundraising or other purposes.

NB: It is up to parents to share their details via the Parent Lounge so if contact details are not visible it means the parent/s have chosen not to share them.