November 2021

How do you modify Scoots?

How do you modify Scoots?

There is nothing better than a great life hack! Whether it is great advice passed down to us from family or tips from friends and colleagues.

Two minds are always better than one and nothing could be truer with the wide variety of skills and advice our Scoot Boot stockists have combined. If we were to tally up the years of equine related services and help all our stockists have been providing horses and ponies all over the world it would reach into the centuries! The Scoot Boot Stockist Community page is a wonderful example of great minds getting together to solve problems and give useful advice. If you haven’t already joined the group we invite you to join in. If you have a great hack for getting a good fit on a tricky hoof, rehabilitating with Scoots or an equipment hack for an unusual or difficult scenario, please share them on the community page with the hashtag #Scoothack.

Video modifying Scoots

Change puts you on top!

Change puts you on top!

We want to make it as easy as we can for customers to get the right advice and size Scoots for their horses. Changes to our website have made finding you easier for our customers. Now when customers view how to get sized, our stockist locator is listed prominently as an option. Do your customers know all you can do for them? Tell us your services on offer on the stockist locator. - Update your details

Tips for Modifying Scoots - Joan V Leslie JVL Natural Balance Rehabilitation Farrier

Tips for Modifying Scoots - Joan V Leslie JVL Natural Balance Rehabilitation Farrier

A heat gun is a key tool in Joan’s kit. With years of fitting Scoot Boots she has mastered many techniques of modifying Scoots to the individual horse’s needs. ‘Especially the back hooves’ which Joan explains ‘are more complex with fitting as they often come down low on the top heel strap’. To prevent any rubs occurring from the middle vertical heel strap, Joan applies the heat gun to slightly loosen this strap if needed. - Read our full conversation with Joan

More information for the customer

More information to the customer

The more information the customer has the better informed the decisions they can make on the right option for their horses' hoof health. That is why we have created a ‘Why Scoot Boots?’ option on our website linking customers to the benefits of Scoot Boots; Trail Riding explores the benefits of Scoots as an all terrain boot. Performance Riding provides inspiration for the competitive rider. Barefoot transition is a comprehensive guide on transitioning from shoes to barefoot. Have a read and feel free to share them with your customers.