Social Sciences 

Careers in Behavioral Health involves studying human interaction and behaviors. A career in Behavioral Health involves providing services for children, adolescents and adults who may be dealing with behavioral and emotional problems, mental illness, life stresses, and substance abuse. Behavioral Health centers on helping people improve their quality of life. There are a wide range of career options, with many requiring advanced degrees and specialized training.

Careers in Behavioral Health:

Psychologist • Psychiatrist•Mental Health Counselor•Clinical Social Worker•Occupational Therapist•Behavior Analyst•Sports Psychologist•Career and Vocational Counselor•Forensic and Criminal Psychologist•Caseworker•Social Services Specialist•

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be first on the scene in an emergency? Emergency Responders are often the first medically trained professionals to arrive on the scene of emergencies and accidents. Emergency Responders use their specialized skills to ensure safety in the community. This career path often involves being in highly stressful situations as well as, the ability to remain calm, and use specialized training to handle dangerous situations. 

Careers in Emergency Response:

Police Officer• Firefighter• Correctional Officer•Air Marshal•Customs and Border Protection Official•Federal Bureau of Investigation•Park Police and Park Rangers•Fire Marshal•Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)•Paramedic•Wildlife Officer•Emergency Dispatcher•Emergency Planning Officer•Hazardous Materials•Security Guard

The Society and Law Pathway is designed to expose students to opportunities in legal careers.  It introduces fundamental aspects of the law, while encouraging students to approach the law from multiple perspectives.  Key skills in this pathway include the ability to think critically and make logical arguments as well as find resolutions to challenging topics. 

Careers in Society and Law:

Paralegal •Lobbyist•Political Scientist• Judge•Public Affairs Specialist•Law Clerk•Lawyer•Policy maker• Archivist•Activist•Litigator•Advocate