Business & Entrepreneurship 

Accounting Pathway

Accounting is a broad field allowing you to go in many different directions. A career in accounting may include preparation and review of financial statements/ transactions, analyzing budgets, maintaining financial records, tax work, consulting, and advice on a range of financial issues for individuals, businesses, and the government/tax officials. A career in accounting will require you to be skilled with numbers, have strong organizational skills, and a strong ethical compass. 

Careers under Accounting:

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)• Forensic Accountant•  Financial Advisor•Chief Financial Officer (CFO)• Information Technology Accountant• Corporate Controller•Budget Analyst• Financial Analyst•Tax Practitioner• Internal Auditor•Book keeper•Payroll Clerk•Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable Administrator•Staff Accountant•Loan Officer

The Entrepreneurship pathway gives individuals versatility to pursue careers in a variety of business-related fields and can be found in all industries. You will learn and build innovative skills and competencies in business, finance, marketing, sales, management, and strategic planning. Many individuals use their skills to go on to create, lead, and run companies or even create a new business.

Careers under Entrepreneurship:

Business Consultant•Systems Analyst•Management Analyst•Construction Manager•Sales•Web Developer•Operations Manager• Self Employed Business Owner•

Marketing & Advertising Pathway

We experience marketing and advertising everyday.  A career in Marketing and advertising is designed to spread awareness of and desire for a brand, product, or a service.  With businesses heavily reliant on gaining the attention of consumers through their phones and computers Digital Media Marketing is a growing industry. This pathway requires professionals to conduct keyword research, develop a social media strategy and use web analytics. They are skilled in executing social media engagement, business intelligence, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), web analytics and modern advertising trends. 

Careers under Marketing and Promotional Advertising:

Digital Marketing Specialist•Social Media Marketing Manager•Public Relations Manager•Content Marketing Manager•Digital Strategist•Data Scientist•Search Engine Optimization Specialists•Graphic Design•Market Research Analyst•Content Writer•Brand Manager•Public Relations (PR)•Creative Director•