Format of NYC World Language ExamS

The format of the NYC World Language Comprehensive Exams is similar to the former LOTE Regents exams that were provided by the New York State Education Department, with the exception of the number of multiple choice items and a required Part 4 writing task (read-to-write) which asks students to read, use, and respond to documents written in the target language. Please see below for more information.

Part 1 - Speaking (24 credits)

Testing Coordinators select 60 tasks from the Sourcebook of Speaking Tasks for Part 1 by the State Education Department. Each student randomly chooses a total of two tasks worth 12 credits each.  The tasks are to be administered from April 1 until five calendar days prior to the date of the written exam. 

Part 2 Listening (26 credits)

For each of the 13 questions in Part II, teachers read a brief Context Setting Statement in English, followed by a short paragraph in the target language. Students then answer a multiple choice question about the paragraph.

Part 2a: Listening (16 credits)

Eight multiple choice questions in English; answer choices provided in English

Part 2b: Listening (10 credits)

Five multiple choice questions in the target language; answer choices provided in the target language

Part 3 Reading (30 credits) 

Part 3a: Reading (10 credits) 

Students read an informational text, such as a biography or description of a cultural institution. The text is followed by five multiple choice questions about the text in the target language; answer choices provided in the target language. 

Part 3b: Reading (10 credits) 

Students read five short texts, such as a menu, advertisement, or schedule. Each text is followed by a multiple choice question written in English; answer choices provided in English. 

Part 3c: Reading (10 credits) 

3c is similar to Part 3a, but questions/answer choices are in English.

Part IV Writing (20 credits)

Students create two written responses. Each response is worth ten credits and is scored on the rubric. 

Prompt 1 (10 credits): The first task is a required “Read to Write” task that requires students to read, use, and respond about a document written in the target language.

Prompt 2 (10 credits): Students choose to respond to one of two writing prompts that require narration or description. Responses should be in the target language and satisfy the purpose of the task. There is no minimum word count.

Sample Exam Materials are provided for each of the approved NYC World Language Exam Pathway Assessments.

World Language Exam Format
In order to provide students with a more equitable test-taking experience, the NYC DOE-developed exams' student booklet template will provide Part 4 instructions in both the Target Language and English. The Part 4 changes will impact the NYC DOE-developed Comprehensive World Language (Checkpoint B) exams in all languages. 
Effective June 2022, students will see a side-by-side translation of the instructions for Part 4 Writing. Tasks in English on the left-hand side, and the target language (i.e. Spanish) on the right-hand side. The directions and requirements guidance will remain the same every year, while the prompt without suggestions will change year-over-year.
Please see the Sample Exam Materials for additional information regarding the changes to the exams, including visual samples of the Part 4 Directions.