Visual Art Exhibit

Now in its 7th year, the Manhattan Borough Visual Arts Exhibit continues to highlight the work of our extremely talented Manhattan Visual Artists. While so many aspects of this school year have changed since COVID, the beauty, intelligence and creativity of our student artists continues to inspire and amaze. We had an unprecedented number of applications this year- more than any past year the festival has existed. These students represent all 6 school districts of Manhattan, from Pre-K to 12th grade.

Thank you to their art teachers who work so hard to develop their students' abilities and in particular, have been going above and beyond to keep their students engaged in the processes of self-expression. Perhaps more now than ever, we know that that the Arts are needed as a path towards coping, expression and meaning-making. Thank you to the teachers, parents and school building leaders who continue to support the arts both in school, and at home. Next year we hope to share this experience back in person!

Rachel Shapiro, Manhattan Borough Arts Director