Student Opportunities

Because you live in New York City, there are many opportunities for enhanced learning and unique educational experiences. Below are a few programs that might just change your life. 

Enter C-Span's Annual Student Documentary Contest!

Every year students grades 6-12 are asked to create a short (5-6 minute) video documentary on the annual theme.

Students and their teachers can win cash prizes for winning entries!

Click on the icon above to learn about this year's theme.

Submissions are due on January 20

Enter The New York Times 14th Annual Summer Reading Contest

Middle and high school students 

Every Friday starting June9th the NYT will post a question similar to "What got your attention in the Times this week?" Students The Learning Network.

Contests for teen writers, poets, artists, and photographers.

Check regularly for updated contests. 

Prizes vary from contest to contest.  There are usually several  contests running at one time. The current poetry contest on the topic of "Black Lives Matter" has a $500 prize. 

Learn about the Student Historian Internship Program and Tech Scholars.

Student Historian Internship Program

"We the People: Democracy from Athens to America." Students learn about American History and Art doing hands on research. Professionals working at the museum will talke about careers in the history field and work with students to develop public speaking and leadership skills. Open to high school students entering grades 10, 11, and 12.

Tech Scholars Online

Learn to code in a supportive all-girl environment.  This program will focus on women throughout history. Students will code digital projects that will make a difference in the world and help fight the gender gap. This program is offered on  a "pay-what-you-want" basis to make it accessible to all girls. Open to high school girls grades 9-12.

Did you know the NYPL has virtual events for teens?

Our friends at the Van Nest Branch have continued to provide teen programs during covid. Events include Virtual Comics Chat and Virtual Book Tasting,  

You can also explore and sign up for virtual events at other NYPL branches. 

Use the link below to get to the Events look up page of the NYPL.

Search teen programs in the Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island to find college and career events, virtual chess clubs, book clubs, writing workshops, anime and manga discussions, drawing clubs, and so much more! During COVID you can explore programs across the city from the comfort of you own home. Don't miss these wonderful opportunities!

The first and largest mobile poetry community for youth.

Are you a poet, or want to become one? Power Poetry will give you tips on poetry writing, the spoken word, poetry slams and more.  Create a poetry group, or join one. Learn how you can use your voice for social activism. Write poems about social justice, the environment, LGBTQ+, homelessness, and more. 

Free monthly writing competitions

This is a global community of young writers 12-18 years old. Harvard University educators designed this forum to improve student writing and build communication and critical thinking skills. Write the World is a way to foster global citizenship and engagement. 

Teens Programs offer diverse initiatives to connect teens to NYC arts.

High 5 Tickets to the Arts.   

When theaters are open students can purchase theater tickets for $5 for themselves and an adult. 

Virtual Pizza and a Movie Night. Three movies are presented and students vote. After watching the movie there is a discussion.

Other events include virtual concerts, museum presentations, international dance showcases, and more.


Teens can attend art-making workshops and theatrical performances and create visual art pieces to be exhibited at the theater. 

Other Opportunities include:

Teens learn personal finance and foundational skills to manage their money.

In IIG After School, high school girls will learn about personal finance in a series of after-school virtual workshops,  Other programs encourage girls to consider a career in finance. Programs  include "Future Females in Finance", "IIG Mentorship Program" and the "IIG Fellowship Program."  They also have a speakers series where female executives speak about their paths to success. 

IIG's partner, the Council for Economic Education, offers student competitions open to both boys and girls: The National Personal Finance Challenge and the National Economics Challenge. Both competitions give students a chance to win cash prizes. 

High School Abroad Programs

Have you ever dreamed about studying abroad in high school?  Learn about available study destinations here. 

There are also grants and scholarships to help you make your dream come true!

Learn more!

Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is the nation’s largest youth employment program, connecting NYC youth between the ages of 14 and 21 with career exploration opportunities and paid work experiences each summer.

SYEP offers career exploration, project-based learning about career opportunities in your community, work experiences, community building. Participants get paid to participate.

To be eligible you must be 14-21, live in one of the NYC boroughs, and be legally allowed to work in the U.S.

Applications are due April 30th every year. Check the website to learn how to apply.

The Payback Challenge is NGPF's annual scholarship contest that gives students a chance to win a $2500 Grand Prize for their educational pursuits while developing an understanding of what college life will be like.