
Where knowledge inspires!


Online Public Access Catalogue 

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About the  library

Introduction of the library

Nippon Designers School (NDS) was established in 1965 in Japan, the 1st college launch was in Tokyo, a few years later, another branch opened in Fukuoka Island. Lots of achievement embrace by the students and the academician in art industry especially the Manga production and gaming industry.  In September 2022, NDS officially launch its new branch in Malaysia, this remarkable history was officiated by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed Malaysia former Prime Minister. The inaugural intake was taking place in September 2022, and the first academic program offered was Diploma Manga Illustration. By having the slogan “Library, where knowledge Inspire”, library aim to be the place that holding a good collection of Manga and related resources for the student to make their reference. Reference is important for art student to increase the realism, accuracy, beauty, and idea to create the storyline, background, perspective and more. The unique bout the library collection are the Japanese Manga and academic book, whereby this book is written in original script.


NDS Malaysia College Library aims to develop a wide range of collections in Manga either in Japanese or any other language. Will be the best Manga library in Malaysia that serves the academic community and leading in education.


The primary mission of the NDS Malaysia College Library is to support the curriculum and the information needs by providing resources based on the program standard and demands of the academician.

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