Outdoor Learning

At Allandale Heights we embrace and value the whole child. Best practice for children includes repeated exposure to a space in the varying seasons, and where the environment, students and educators learn with and through each other. The rich diversity of land, earth, water and air beg for examination and inquiry. This process is natural and culminating. When children have the opportunity to explore and discover the natural world around them, they become invested in their own learning.

Benefits Also Include

Mental health and self-regulation, restful sleep cycles, socialisation,

connection to self, others and the environment, language development,

balance, coordination, self -understanding of physical health and development

expanded creativity, knowledge and understanding of the environment

and many, many more!

It is important to send your child(ren) with clothes to explore our Outdoor Classroom in EVERY kind of weather. Extra socks & mittens are always a good idea and rainboots & raincoats make exploring puddles so much fun!

This is a daily experience!

Sometimes we get dirty and that’s ok!

Did You Know? Dirt has microbes that help us to stay healthy!

Finlay, B. B., & Arrieta, M.-C. (2017). Let them eat dirt: how microbes can make your child healthier. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill.
Williams, F. (2018). The nature fix: why nature makes us happier, healthier, and more creative. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.
Williams-Siegfredsen, J. (2017). Understanding the Danish Forest School Approach: early years education in practice. London: Routledge.