Upper Elementary

How Computers Work - Video series

If you are wondering how a computer works, these videos provide expert information with fun examples that make sense. 

Introduction from Bill Gates

1 - Input, Storage, Processing, Output

2-  Binary & Data

3 - Circuits & Logic

4-  Memory, CPU, Input, & Output

5 - Hardward & Software

Sites to explore, enjoy, and educate. 

Free Rice 

Every trivia question you answer correctly, earns 10 grains of rice for the World Food Programme (WFP)

Log in to Code.org using  your school Google credentials.

Or try  one of the Hour of Code at Home activities (no sign-in required). 

Enjoy reading and listening to books of your choice.  Use our Media Specialist's code to log in to Epic.


Snowflake Maker  Use your creativity and math skills to add a variety of closed shapes to the triangle. No two snowflakes are alike!

View famous events and birthdays that happened on this day in history.

Visit National Geographic Kids: Weird But True to learn a lot of interesting information about all kinds of things!

Learn useful computer science skills with this free course at Khan Academy. Complete careers are built around computer science.

Games by Erdkinder Students:

Inn Lore by Logan

The (hopefully) first game set in the world of Eihu (books coming soon). The events of this game ARE canon to the lore of Eihu, but certain elements of the game (such as the eye thing) are not. 

Open the project page of the game for instructions and tips. 

Backstory: you are a private eye (a privately-employed detective). You heard something weird last night as you were going home, but you weren't sure what it was... You decided to ask the innkeeper if he heard anything. 

Credits: NPC Design Inspiration: Terraria Enemy Design Inspiration: Terraria Thanks to: Wulfgar (axol64) for coding assistance and some sprites.

Pong by Caleb

 Compost Project:   

Watch these videos from:

Planet Natural 

The Living Farm

Clean Air Gardening

As you watch, pause and take some notes here:  How to Compost with a Tumbler

When your composting poster is ready to print:

Click the SHARE button.

Share with angela.laplante@sccpss.com