

Google Arts & Culture has hundreds (maybe more) of games, simulations, 360 videos, and more for you to explore. 

For those  of you who enjoy art and music, these activities will amaze and entertain. 

1613 Experiments

projects that push boundaries - according to the people at  Google

There is probably something of interest for everyone here... with one thousand six hundred thirteen experiments, you should find something you like!

Some may require headphones or your Chromebook microphone for data transfer. 


Help end world hunger.  Yes, really.  

Every trivia question you answer correctly, earns 10 grains of rice for the World Food Programme (WFP)

Feel free to change the categories and difficulty level in the menu options.   

How many grains of rice did you add to the World Food Program?


Use your knowledge of the laws of physics (mostly gravity and force) to help Dung Beetles do their thing. 

Which level did you reach?

I'm only up to level 8. ~Ms. Angie


Help build the world's largest doodle data set.  

What do you think of teaching a machine to recognize doodles?

Is it weird?  Is it useful?

Review THREE Activities during class today. 

Two class periods  are dedicated to this activity. You should have a total of 6  program reviews.   

Check this list to see  previous submissions.  


So many things...  some are thoughtful, some are fun, most are creative. 

Neal.Fun is now blocked by SCCPSS.  There is no update to the information we discussed last week 

So many choices. 

Which are your faves?  I am currently enjoying the Deep Sea.  

I'm not convinced that the Paper activity is truthful......what are your thoughts?