SCASD Synchronous Remote Option

The synchronous remote option:

This option provides synchronous learning at home with SCASD teachers and SCASD curriculum every day. Synchronous remote students will virtually join a class where a SCASD teacher is teaching in-school students live. Students will follow the same time schedule as the in-school model. Students will be able to take the SCASD courses they were scheduled in for the fall and are expected to join the in-school class every day for live instruction using a video meeting tool.

  • Students will be expected to engage in the class when it happens and complete homework as assigned.

  • Students will be able to participate and ask questions during the class.

  • Students will be provided with a district Chromebook.

  • Students will be able to take the same classes they were scheduled for in the in-school model.

  • There may be some classes where hands-on experiences are more challenging to do in the all remote option but teachers will do their best to provide quality, robust learning.

  • Grades 7-12 will use a semester-based schedule. High school students will have up to four classes at a time. Middle school students will have three core/team classes and two exploratory classes. This reduces the amount of classes a student must manage and allows for continuous learning. Sixth grade students will continue to have yearlong core and exploratory classes.

  • If schools must close, students who are in the synchronous remote option will continue to learn remotely every day.