State College Area School District Plan for Grades 6-12

Our daily work centers around the core values articulated in the Strategic Plan and a commitment to every student, every day:

  • Engagement and Support for the Whole Student

  • Continuous Growth for Every Student

  • Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Problem Solving

  • Closing Individual Achievement and Opportunity Gaps

  • Successful Transitions and Readiness for a Purposeful Life

Our programs strive to offer diverse learning options to provide students with engaging and authentic learning experiences. We understand the pandemic created economic, emotional, and medical hardships for many families and we are committed to doing everything we can to assist with the transition back to school this fall. Our faculty will be receiving professional development to ready them for this process. We are excited to meet your child and to help them reach their goals!

Important Definitions:

Synchronous Learning is an approach where teachers and students are online at the same time with a set schedule. Communication happens in real time and the teacher can answer questions and provide clarifications as needed.

Asynchronous Learning is an approach where teachers and students are not online at the same time. The teacher provides resources and lessons that the student may complete at a time that is most convenient for them. Students work at their own pace.

Families will have three options for 2020-2021:

In-school Option

Students attend in-school classes every other day, split by alphabet. On the days students are not in-school they will join their classes for synchronous (live) instruction using a video meeting tool.

Synchronous Remote Option

This option provides synchronous learning every day at home with SCASD teachers and SCASD curriculum. Synchronous remote students will virtually join a class where a SCASD teacher is teaching in-school students live. Students will follow the same time schedule of the in-school model. Students will be able to take the SCASD courses they were scheduled in for the fall and will be expected to join the in-school class every day for live instruction using a video meeting tool.

SCASD Virtual Academy Option

The SCASD Virtual Academy has been offering online learning options for students in State College since 2008. This option provides mostly self-paced, asynchronous learning with a SCASD teacher supporting students. Students will use the Edgenuity platform that is aligned to PA state standards. The teacher will check in with the student regularly, grade the student's work, and provide help as needed. There will be weekly synchronous class meetings. The course offerings in the SCASD Virtual Academy may be different than the in-school course options. District Chromebooks will be provided to students in the Virtual Academy. At the end of the semester, students enrolled in the Virtual Academy may return to in-school SCASD classes, provided that there is space available. Switching at the semester change will allow for the smoothest transition and continuity of learning.

More specifics about each option can be found by clicking on the tabs at the top of this site.

The information on this site is subject to change. Knowledge about COVID-19 and best practices for responding to the pandemic continues to evolve. For this reason, the SCASD educational plans will also continue to evolve. Please check back periodically to review updated information on this site.

Please make sure you have a valid email address and phone number on file with our district. You can update this information in the Home Access Center (HAC). If you are unable to log into HAC, please contact