Learning Technology Grant 2018-2021 Summary

Creating Integrated Models of Learning for the Modern Classroom


Creating Integrated Models of Learning for the Modern Classroom is a program targeting High School, Middle School, and Elementary School teachers and students in three school districts. These districts will work together to create model lessons using technology to support culturally and linguistically-responsive (CLR) instruction. They will achieve this by working and planning together, and with the help of external educators in the fields of CLR, integrated co-teaching (ICT) and instructional technology.

Educators will learn about practices that empower students to be more engaged and self-directed as they interact with different types and levels of content. Teachers will be given time to apply what they've learned through collaborative curriculum planning sessions and collaboratively redesign curriculum, lessons, and activities. Finally, they will create models for others to learn from about what it means to be culturally responsive and inclusive in a classroom setting to meet the needs of diverse learners. We look forward to impacting student achievement in a positive way.

The members of the consortium are the Sayville, South Huntington, and Wyandanch School Districts. To read more about the grant click on the link to the description on NYSED site.

Sayville consortium

Introduction to the consortium

A more contemporary view of the NRHP-listed Ezra Carll Homestead on 49 Melville Road in South Huntington, New York. Further details to come later.

South Huntington SD

43% White

41% Latino

Wyandanch Club Historic District The 1751 Caleb Smith House, originally built as a two-story farmhouse and later converted into a 44-room clubhouse for the Wyandanch Club

Wyandanch SD

49% African-American

51% Hispanic

In the school year 2018-21, members of the cohort worked on:

  • Integrating social emotional components into school culture through their own programs like the Sayville STRIDES websites

  • Enhancement of curriculum maps in MS Math and HS Science to incorporate technology and culturally responsive practices

  • Improved co-teaching practices and expanded models to more classrooms through:

    • creation of an online repository as a resource for ICT Station teaching complete with task cards and ideas for content areas

    • delivering instruction using different models of co-teaching - both for remote learning and on-site learning

    • incorporating technology to assess student needs and skills

    • meeting students where they are by personalizing instruction

    • Integrating social emotional components into integrated co-teaching models

  • Blended learning courses across the three school districts involved in the grant - some individualized by district; others held for members of all districts to join

2018-2021 Learning Technology Grant Video