Business & Information Technology
E = Elective and the year student is eligible for the course
Computer Applications I or Computer Applications I Online
Course #: 600 or OL 600 Length: 1 Trimester Grade Level: 9-12 Credit: 0.5
Recommended Course: This is the recommended entry level course for this department
We will focus on developing competent computer skills that all students need to know to survive in today’s world of growing technology. Students will master the Microsoft Office Suite covering word processing (MS Word), spreadsheets (Excel), databases (Access) and presentations (PowerPoint) software. Students completing Computer Applications I with a B or better, may be granted 3 credits from Madison College, upon passing the Madison College course exam. This course may be taken as an online class.
Computer Applications II or Computer Applications II Online
Course #: 601 or OL 601 Length: 1 Trimester Grade Level: 9-12 Credit: 0.5
Recommended Course: Computer Applications I
This course is a continuation of the skills learned in Computer Applications I. More advanced computer applications and concepts will be covered using the Microsoft Office Suite. Emphasis will be placed on preparing students for the technical skills needed in a business office environment. Word processing, spreadsheet, presentations, and database software will be use. Students completing Computer Applications I and Computer Applications II with a B or better may be granted up to 4 credits from Madison College, upon passing the Madison College course exam. This course may be taken as an online class. Students may also sit for the MOS (Microsoft Office Specialists) Exams to get certified in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Business & Marketing Concepts
Course #: 602 Length: 1 Trimester Grade Level: 9-12 Credit: 0.5
Recommended Course: None
This class touches on all facets of business activity with a strong emphasis on marketing, global economics, and entrepreneurship. Areas of study include marketing, advertising, sales, international business, banking services, types of business ownership, and small business management. Projects will include creating a business plan and running a “Business Community Simulation” that allows students to experience managing a business where they are involved with problem solving and decision making.
Desktop Publishing/Graphic Arts
Course #: 603 Length: 1 Trimester Grade Level: 9-12 Credit: 0.5
Recommended Course: None
This course is designed for students interested in the areas of publishing, graphic arts, layout and design, marketing, journalism, photography, and printing. Students will be using the latest computer techniques and software (Microsoft Publisher, Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and PhotoShop) to design items such as business cards, stationery, brochures, greeting cards, menus, newsletters, posters, advertising schemes, hats, mugs, and shirts, as well as other business and commercial-related products, including graphic art designs.
Digital Video Production
Course #: 604 Length: 1 Trimester Grade Level: 10-12 Credit: 0.5
Recommended Course: Computer Applications I
This course is for students interested in creating a variety of movies/videos using professional computer-editing software. Students will gain advanced technical skills using a wide range of multimedia like camcorders, digital cameras, Smart Phones, I-Pods, DVD burners, memory cards, green screen technology, smart boards, scanners, and other devices. Students will create informational videos, weather reports, music videos, commercials, public service announcements, short films/ documentaries and other special event videos.
Website Design & Development
Course #: 605 Length: 1 Trimester Grade Level: 9-12 Credit: 0.5
Recommended Course: Computer Applications I
With the Internet being a global marketplace, our ability to communicate over the “web” is crucial to success in the modern world. Students in this class will learn to create web pages that will attract and hold the viewer’s interest. This class will work with learning the fundamentals of website design using HTML and popular web authoring software. Projects include creating web pages for school, personal use, community use, and businesses.
Personal Finance & Investing
Course #: 606 Length: 1 Trimester Grade Level: 11-12 Credit: 0.5
Recommended Course: None
This course is designed to help students learn how to budget their money, how to save and invest their earnings, complete their own tax return forms, obtain and manage credit & loans wisely, and how to effectively manage risks with insurance. Extensive time is spent learning about personal finance and investing. Students will also participate in an online “Investing Simulation” buying and selling stocks/bonds on the stock exchange. Instruction will include presentations from local investment professionals, bank representatives, and insurance experts. Satisfactory completion of this course will meet the graduation requirement for financial literacy.
Business Law
Course #: 607 Length: 1 Trimester Grade Level: 10-12 Credit: 0.5
Recommended Course: None
You will learn about the criminal and civil justice systems, the legal rights of citizens, and the legal practices involved in our society and how they affect each individual. Topics will include contracts, employer-employee interactions, landlord-tenant situations, laws that affect businesses and families, insurance, liability and negligence issues, and wills and estates. We will have class discussions, case studies, guest speakers and a mock trial. This is a class for those of you who are thinking of majoring in business.
Accounting I
Course #: 608 & 609 Length: 2 Trimesters Grade Level: 10-12 Credit: 1.0
Recommended Course: None
Fundamental accounting principles and practices are taught using manual and computerized systems. Students learn to plan, record, analyze, and interpret financial information using generally accepted accounting procedures. This is a course for students who will be taking business courses at the college level and for students who anticipate working in any business field after high school. Along with text/workbook assignments, students complete two realistic accounting simulations that reinforce the text materials. Advanced level work may be available for second year students.
Accounting II
Course #: 610 Length: 1 Trimester Grade Level: 10-12 Credit: 0.5
Recommended Course: Accounting I
This course is meant for those students who have completed Accounting I and wish to expand their knowledge into more specific areas of accounting. Critical accounting skills needed for college bound business majors will be learned, and ongoing accounting practices will be applied using contemporary computer software. Students will be introduced to departmentalized accounting, adjustments and valuations, corporate accounting, managerial accounting and cost accounting. A 3-week accounting simulation will be incorporated into the course.
IT Essentials: PC Hardware & Software
Course #: 614 & 615 Length: 2 Trimesters Grade Level: 11-12 Credit: 1.0
Recommended Course: Computer Applications I
This course prepares students for rapidly growing computer careers along with the skills to maintain your personal computer. It is a Cisco certified course that balances hands-on lab activities with online training and classroom discussions. Students will learn how to remove, configure and install hardware and software—including the newest operating systems. Topics like basic networking, laptops, portable devices, security, and wireless connectivity will also be covered. As an added exposure, the class will cover Chromebook repair and students may serve as the high school Help Desk technicians providing support to other students.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Course #: 616 Length: 1 Trimester Grade Level: 10-12 Credit: 0.5
Recommended Course: Business and Marketing Concepts
This course is designed for students interested in marketing and applying concepts to sports/entertainment industries. Students will be able to apply marketing concepts to their favorite, team, products, and people. It will include important marketing concepts focused on sports and entertainment. Projects will include basic communication and presentation skills, application of key marketing concepts, decision making, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, tests and written assignments will summative assess student’s conceptual learning.
Business Work Based Learning Experience
Three Choices: Length: 1 Tri, 2 Tris, or 3 Tris Grade Level: 11-12 Credit: 0.5,1.0 or 1.5
Course #: 725, 726, 727 (Employability Skills)
Course #: 722, 723, 724 (Youth Apprenticeship)
Recommended Course: None
These three work experience choices extend the classroom into the business community by allowing students to acquire business skills necessary in today’s world of work. Students will seek employment on their own or be placed in a suitable work environment where they will be able to obtain the skills necessary to earn the State Certified Skills certificates in one or more of the three certification areas listed below. In these programs, students will be released from school at various times, receive school credit, receive State certification and earn at least a minimum wage. The student’s employer and high school instructors will help them improve their work skills and provide quarterly evaluations. The three work base learning certifications that may be obtained in the BIT Department are: Wisconsin State Co-op Certification, Employability Skills Certification, or Youth Apprenticeship Certifications (in the areas of Finance, Marketing, Insurance, or Information Technology with related instruction).