

This year, our club has the goal of attending 6-7 competitions across California, as well as hopefully going to Nationals and Worlds. You can view more technical details about each competition on the Calendar page.

We have attended these competitions so far:

  • St. Catherine's Middle School
  • Bellarmine Preparatory
  • Sacred Heart Middle School
  • Tracy Triangle VEX Tournament @ Merril F. West High School
  • Girl Scouts @ Google
  • Golden West VEX Competition @ Golden West Middle School
  • Google Signature Event 2020

Upcoming competitions:

  • State Championship @ Google Mountain View
  • State Championship @ Sacramento
  • CREATE US Open National Championship @ Council Bluffs, Iowa
  • World Championship @ Louisville, Kentucky


Our attended four local competition last robotics season. You can view more details about each competition on the calendar page.

We attended these competitions last year:

  • Bellarmine Preparatory
  • Sacred Heart Tournament
  • Google Tournament @ Google