About the PYP Exhibition

The Exhibition represents a significant event in the life of a Primary Years Programme (PYP). It is both a demonstration of student agency and a reflection on students’ capacity to orchestrate their learning.

The Exhibition offers the opportunity to engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry. Students put their interests, transdisciplinary thinking, knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills, and attributes of the learner profile into action. They undertake their investigation both individually and with their peers, together with the guidance of mentors.

At San Jacinto Elementary, students use the Sustainable Development Goals to explore local and global issues during Sharing The Planet. They work with teachers and other members of the learning community to develop their knowledge and understandings. This culminates within Sharing the Planet, as students create an impactful display to share a significant message.

Above all, the PYP Exhibition at San Jacinto Elementary provides an opportunity for our students to embody our school mission statement:

Our mission is to provide a challenging program that focuses on developing knowledgeable, inquiring, and caring students that become active, compassionate, life-long learners in a global society. 

What is the PYP Exhibition at SJE?

*PYPC Parents 2023 Presentation

These next few weeks will be a very exciting and challenging period for your child! Besides having their facilitating teachers and coaches to guide them, your child will really benefit from your continued support from home. Your role in making this a successful journey and rewarding experience for your child is very important.

Get Informed

The exhibition is the culminating, collaborative experience in the final year of the PYP. The exhibition is an authentic process for students to explore, document and share their understanding of an issue or opportunity of personal significance. All exhibitions are student-initiated, designed and are collaborative.

Please take the time to browse this site to get a feel for what the PYP exhibition (PYPx) is all about and what is expected. Each week has its own different expectations. The more aware you are of these weekly expectations, the better you will be able to support your child leading up to the final PYPx on May 9, 2023.


Student-initiated: Students have a role in choosing the issue or opportunity to be explored; the transdisciplinary theme(s); the development of the central idea; the lines of inquiry; and identification of the key and related concepts that will drive their inquiries. They identify what knowledge they will need to acquire, and what skills they will need to develop. 


Student-designed: Students design their learning goals and establish the criteria of what success will look like for them. They co-design strategies and tools with teachers, coaches and peers to document and self-assess their learning, and evaluate the success of the exhibition. 

Students Collaborate

Students collaborate with their peers, teachers and coaches throughout the exhibition process. There is a genuine sense of participation and engagement through regular sharing of progress and feedback. As students are diverse, some will engage with the exhibition in groups while others will engage individually, supported by coaches.

All students take an active role in all aspects of planning, inquiring, investigating, communicating and assessing their learning in the exhibition. All students will benefit from guidance and collaboration with teachers, peers and coaches to facilitate, direct and adjust their learning.

Facilitate and Encourage

The PYP exhibition is an opportunity that involves students working collaboratively to conduct an in-depth inquiry into real life issues or problems. Students collectively synthesize all of the essential elements of the PYP in ways that can be shared with the whole school community. This means your child and her/his group need to be as independent as possible when carrying out their research. Parents are needed to encourage and facilitate independence. Avoid DOING the work for your child.

Try to view yourself as a 'guide on the side' or a coach. If you see your child challenged, ask questions to help her/ him think through the problem for themselves. Try as much as possible to let them come up with the solutions. Support your child by sharing examples of what others are doing around the world or directing them to an expert or place that can guide them.

Help Your Child Locate Resources

If you feel your child is having difficulty finding suitable websites, books, places (and so on) to help them with their research then you can point them in the right direction. You may suggest some websites or provide them with some helpful books or articles. You may be able to suggest a person they could write to, telephone or to visit in person. You may be able to take them on a field trip during the weekend to a local museum or another similar resource. 

Support Your Child Emotionally

If your child is having emotional difficulties during the Exhibition, please put your child's mind at ease. The Exhibition should be challenging, but it certainly should not be stressful enough to cause your child anxiety. We all learn from our mistakes and if things don't go to plan it really doesn't matter in the long term. How your child performs during the Exhibition has absolutely no effect on how they are placed in the next grade level. You know your child better than anyone and it may be that the best support you can offer them, is to give them a cuddle or take their mind off school by playing a game and ensure they have balance and are relaxed. 

What does the IB say is the parents' role during the Exhibition?

Parents/guardians will: