Focus on Impact Film Series

Preparing Future Leaders With Global Perspectives: Film, Curriculum, and Conversation

SDiFF_23-23 Focus Lineup (3).pdf

All SDUSD Middle and High School Teachers are Invited to Participate in the Focus on Impact Film Series

Hosted by the San Diego International Film Festival

In partnership with the San Diego Unified School District and the SDUSD VAPA Department

The Focus on Impact Film Series uses short films to explore complex social issues where students can take in new perspectives and determine how that information might change their own views and actions within their communities. 


Please fill out this form if you are interested in receiving updates from SDUSD VAPA for each film during this school year. 

Oct film-SDiFF_Focus (1).pdf

October 18-20, 2023

Forgiving Johnny

Nov film-SDiFF_Focus (1).pdf

November 7-9, 2023

Kumu Niu

Dec film-SDiFF_Focus (1).pdf

December 6-8, 2023


Feb film-SDiFF_Focus (1).pdf

February 21-23, 2024

Voice Above Water & I Wish for You

March film-SDiFF_Focus (1).pdf

March 20-22, 2024

Gender Outlaw, A Bodysurfing Story

April film-SDiFF_Focus (1).pdf

April 24-26, 2024

In the Shade of Rhinos