Week 8 - Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

Home Automation

Since my childhood, I want to make a system which give me a full control in everything in my room, Such as open/close my room's lamb , on/off fan and so on.

So, I decided to make a simple smart home with my mobile phone.

I found this project in YouTube, And I decided to make it as my own project.

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?

Arduino uno to take inputs and perform action.

ArduinoBluetooth controller to control circuit using bluetooth.

Design/Preparation Process

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?

Circuit Simulation

First, I begin to implement the circuit in fritzing and check its functionality.

So, I began to connect components like relay module and light bulb, Servo motor and Bluetooth module.

Coding Time

1- I started to implement code using Arduino IDE.

At First, I make variables to control Light Bulb, And I put it in pin 2 in Arduino board.

Secondly, I made an object called myservo to control my Servo motor.

2- In void setup function, I activated serial monitor and give it a buad rate of (9600) to be able to use it for Bluetooth module.

Then, I begin to setup all pins as outputs/ inputs in my circuit.

  • Light Bulb as output in pin 2 .

  • Servo Motor as output in pin 6 (PWM).

Void Setup Section

Explanation of the code:

  • At First, I made while that allow to Bluetooth module to recieve data while it was sending only to avoid noise.

  • I made char var called a to store data sent by mobile phone on it.

  • Then I made a switch case that checks data sent.

  • If a equal 1 : Light Bulb will be lighten.

  • If a equal 2 : Light Bulb will be off.

  • If a equal 3 : Servo Motor will write angle of 90 degrees.

  • If a equal 4 : Servo Motor will write angle of 0 degree.

  • If a equal 5 : Servo Motor will write angle of 180 degrees.

Void Loop Section

Development/Implementation Process

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

Circuit Implementation

First, I begin to implement the circuit in real using my components.

  1. Connect all components with each others.

  2. I begin to upload Arduino code (.ino) into Arduino uno board.

  3. I downloaded software "Arduino Bluetooth Controller" From Google Play into my phone to allow to me to control and send data to Bluetooth module and Bluetooth module sent this data to Arduino.

Finally, I Started to test my circuit in real, And Check its functionality.

It was a cool project, I enjoyed it and I want to make it control my room in the future.

WhatsApp Video 2022-09-12 at 4.38.31 AM.mp4

Final Outcome

Overcoming Challenges

What kinds of challenges or problems did you face while doing the assignment, tutorials, or exercises? How did you solve them? Did you ask for help from an instructor or peer? Please provide a link to the tutorial or article that you used to solve your problem (if any)

  • The first problem I faced that Fritzing software doesn't contain all components that I need like Light bulb and relay.

Then, Alaa told me that I should download components libraries and this link helped me a lot

  • The second problem I faced is my Bluetooth module didn't recieve any data and I didn't know Why..

Then, I asked Menna and she told me that my Bluetooth module is broken, And Finally I used another Bluetooth Module. That's It :)

Final Project

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

I think I may use this week assignment in my final project to allow to players to play using Laser beam or using his/her mobile phones.

This will happen when he/she pressed on mobile phone on the number of LDR which they must shoot the laser beam on it.

Assignment Design Files