Week 3 - Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

My inspiration Design

First , I like simple things, So I want my pencil holder to be as simple as I can.
I searched on Google by the words "Pen and Pencil Holder"
and I liked this
design so, I decided to make it as my own pencil holder.

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?

3D Printer

3D printer

We use prusa i3 mk3 for 3D printing

Fusion 360

Fusion 360 Software

We use Fusion 360 software to design the 3D model of pencil holder and export it as stl file.

Ultimate Cura

Ultimate Cura Software

We use Ultimate Cura Software to set design parameters and export it into g-code before insert it into 3D printer.


PLA Filament

We use PLA filament as a material of pencil holder.

Design/Preparation Process

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?

Finally, I used "Extrude Cut" sub feature to Cut the design to get the final design of radiocative pencil Holder and I Exported it as STL File.

On fusion 360, I sketched a slice of the design depending on my imagination. then I revolved it to get this model .

Then I get this 3D part but, I have to emptying it, So I use shell method to make this.
Then I made an offset plane in the front view of the pen holder and I gave them 30 mm distance to make it tangent to the surface of the holder.

After that I started to sketch the radiocative logo, First:
1- I sketched a big circle and another 2 smaller circles inside it.
2- I sketched lines in equal degrees with the same distance.
finally, I began to trim the increase in lines and circles to get the final logo.

Slicing Process

After designing pencil holder on fusion 360 , I took the STL file into Ultimate Cura Software to slice it.

At first the slicing was so long "About 8 hours"
but after scaling down the design it begins to reduce the total hours.

I use 0.2 Layer Height and no adhesion no supports because it depends on overhanging.

Pencil Holder On Cura

Development/Implementation Process

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

This is my pencil holder journey from 3D design into real part.


1- I downloaded my g-code File into SD Card and inserted sd card into 3d printer,

2- I unloaded white filament and uploading new black filament after preheating nozzle.
3- I choose to print from SD card and I choose my file and the printer began to print my pencil holder.

Pencil Holder Journey

Overcoming Challenges

What kinds of challenges or problems did you face while doing the assignment, tutorials, or exercises? How did you solve them? Did you ask for help from an instructor or peer? Please provide a link to the tutorial or article that you used to solve your problem (if any)

At First, I didn't know how to sketch in the face of the pen holder.
I watched a
tutorial that used revolve tool to get this design by making an offset plane and gave it a distance equal radius of pen holder.
But I can't make
extrude out of the pen holder. So, I solved it by making extrude cut instead of this.

Final Project

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

This Assignment can help me in designing my final project body's Faces and I also can design a serin using 3d printing to put it up my final project to warn us if there is an emergency.


What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week? What is something that you will never forget from this week?

The coolest thing I have learnt this week is how to take care of all the details
I learned this when we made this Lego this Week in lab.
Although it has many details that we had to take care of them, and it was very difficult for me at first, But I had learnt a lot from designing this Lego.

Assignment Design Files