Final Project Proposal

Project Ideation

1- Tell us about the purpose of your project. Which problem does it solve? Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

Laser Shooter Game

Project Proposal

The inspiration was my Childhood, We have all been used to playing with lasers a lot, But after a while we were bored with it and then we neglected it.

That's why my goal when thinking about this project was to break this boredom through this game.

So, I Searched in arduino Hub and I Get inspired from this project I decided to make this game which is suitable for children and Youngs, because it creates a spirit of competition to reach the highest score in the game.

2- Describe the project idea and general features. How would it work?

Project Idea

The project idea is simple, That's why I said that is suitable for Youngs and elderlies.

The game consists of a set of photoresistors (sensitive to light), a set of LEDs, and an external laser device that works as a joystick for the player.

The scenario of the game is that the person holds the laser device and then these LEDs light up randomly for a period of time (for example 1 second) and the player is supposed to direct the laser beam to the optical resistance above the lighted LED.

The person is supposed to do this within a short period of time after lighting the LED, otherwise he is considered a loser.

3- Sketch your project: You may use pen and paper or a simple sketching tool like Microsoft Paint or Photoshop

Sketching Laser Shooter Game

Project Planning

4- Describe the Technical Modules that your project consists of

Construction Parts

Laser Shooter Game body will be 2.5D designed and will fabricated by laser cutter machine, But LEDs and speaker rings will be printed using 3d printer.


(Sensing, Tactile Input, and/or Graphical Input)

In game, The input here is from external laser device, LDRs will sense the laser beam from the player.


(Physical and/or Graphic)

Action here depends on the speed of the player directing the laser beam to the desired optical resistance.

At First, Animation Screen &Sound Will played in the beginning of the game.

LCD will display a screen to check that the player is ready or not and the game begins if the player is ready.
If he/she get the correct LDR quickly, he will earns a
point and another LED will be lighten.

Else if the player didn't shot the right LDR, The player will lose, And LCD will Display Game Over. :(

If the player shot the right LDR Quickly many times, He Will Win , LCD will Display Winner and the player's Score


Arduino Uno Board

Power Management

Adapter 9 V.

5- Create a cardboard prototype of your project, demonstrating the project face as well as internal movements and mechanisms. Include a demo video and photos of the prototype.

Laser Shooter Cardboard


  • I Start to Cut parts of my design with dimensions that I take before.

  • I used glue gun to attach each part to each other.

Finally, I used white sheets of paper to give it a little aesthetic shape.

My design is stationary and doesn't have any movement. Firstly,

  • I began to draw a scale of the top part (20 cm* 28 cm), And calculate the distance between all LEDs and all LDRs (1.5 cm), And imagine the diameter of circles of LEDs (0.8 cm), And finally the dimensions of square that will contain LDR (1cm *1cm).

Preparing Materials

Final Laser Shooter Cardboard

6- Categorize your project’s User Features into: Minimum, Complete, and Nice-to-have features. List the required action and input components per feature.

  • Minimum Features: are the least amount of features that would demonstrate the coverage of all the technical modules and their complete integration

  • Complete Features: are the set of features that will complete your original project objective and vision

  • Nice-to-have Features: are the extra set of features that will make the project cooler, yet they need extra time, effort, and/or resources to finish

Minimum User Features

  • When we pressed on Power button, All LEDs will be lighten for while, And Power LED will be lighten.

    • Action: RGB LED.

    • Sensing: None.

    • User Input: Button Pressed.

  • When we pressed on Power button, Welcome Screens will be displayed

    • Action: LCD Screens.

    • Sensing: None.

    • User Input: Power Switch on.

  • When we pressed on joystick button, the game will start

    • Action: LCD Screens.

    • Sensing: none

    • User Input: joystick button pressed.

Complete User Features

  • When Laser beam is directed to the correct LDR, Buzzer will make a sound , And another led will be lighten.

    • Action: Buzzer Sound.

    • Sensing: LDR Sensing Laser Beam.

    • User Input: Laser Beam.

  • When Laser beam is directed to the wrong LDR, Buzzer will make an alarm sound , And Game Over will be printed on LCD screen, And the game is end.

    • Action: Buzzer Sound, LCD display.

    • Sensing: LDR Sensing Laser Beam.

    • User Input: Laser Beam.

  • When Laser beam isn't directed to the right LDR, Buzzer will make an alarm sound , And Winner will be printed on LCD screen, And the game is end.

    • Action: Buzzer Sound, LCD display.

    • Sensing: LDR Sensing Laser Beam.

    • User Input: Laser Beam.

Nice-to-have User Features

  • Make the player play another memory game in addition to laser shooter game

    • Action: Playing

    • Sensing: None.

    • User Input: laser beam

7- What are the project tasks and its time-frame?





List of Components

  • Create a list of components which i will use in my project.

  • Search on online electronics stores for each component that suits my project.

  • calculate power source required for the project.

13 sep

13 sep

Electrical / Electronic Part

  • Create the circuit in tinker cad simulation and check its functionality, make code on Arduino IDE.

  • Connect the circuit in real and begin to simulate it in real to check that it does its features.

  • Feature 1: Short song when gamer turns on the game.

  • Feature 2: LCD Will display Welcome Screen to check if the player is ready or not

  • Feature 3: The Player must press the joystick button when he is ready to play

  • Feature 4: LEDs will be lighten randomly for while.

  • Feature 5: When gamer shots the right LDR, a short song will be played and his/her score will increase by one and another LED will be lighten.

  • Feature 6: When gamer shots the wrong LDR, LCD will give him that GAME OVER and displayed it's score and the high score.

  • Feature 7: When gamer shots the right LDR quickly, LCD will give him that Winner and displayed it's score and the high score.

17 sep

21 sep

Design Enclosure

  • First, I use fusion 360 to design the wooden part in the game and the base.

  • Secondly, I will go into laser cad to check on dimensions and parameters and begin to fabricate it on laser cutter machine.

14 sep

16 sep


I use laser cutter to fabricate the body and base of the laser shooter game.

21 sep

26 sep

8- What are the required electronic components and materials for the project?




Arduino uno


Available in Kit



Available in Kit

LDR module


LCD (2*16)


Available in Kit

Power Switch


Push Button (Big)




Available in Kit

5 v adapter


Available in Kit

Joy Stick


LED Metal Cover





In Lab

PLA Material

In Lab