Week 4 - Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

My Idea is to make this fan (shaffat xD) like the one in our kitchens, sucks the air out.

I will make a cardboard containing the angled parts of the fan and assemble it with the motor and a led to indicate it's working and for sure On/Off switch.

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?

  • Tinker CAD for the simulation.

  • Breadboard for testing with the components.

  • 3-12v Motor.

  • 5v Red Led.

  • 220 Ohm Resistor.

  • On/Off Switch.

  • 5v Adapter to use with the components.

  • Wires & Jumpers.

  • Cardboard for the body.

  • Glue Gun.

  • Scissors & Cutter.

Design/Preparation Process

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?

Design Steps

  • First I made the simulation using Tinker CAD.

  • I import a breadboard, motor, switch, led, 220 ohm resistor and 5v power supply.

  • I attach the led with the resistor in series.

  • I attach the motor with the (led& resistor) in parallel.

  • Finally I added the switch with the whole circuit in series.

  • I plugged in a 5v power supply and then start simulation.

  • holllaaaa It works xD

This is a video from TinkerCAD simulation, Video.

Development/Implementation Process

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?



  1. Connect the 5v Red Led and the 220 Ohm in Series.

  2. Connect the Motor in Parallel with (Led & Resistor) one side with the negative led and the other side with the resistor.

  3. Connect the On/Off Switch one wire to the GND of the power supply adapter and the other side of the switch connected to the negative leg of the led

  4. Connect the 5v positive wire to the resistor leg (positive side of the led) and the negative to the switch.



  1. The enclosing is a box shaped prototype say a room.

  2. One side has a window and place the Fan on the outside of the window

  3. The fan itself has its feathers positioned in an angle that let the air from inside go outside.

  4. another side I put the On/Off Switch.

  5. The Led is positioned inside as the indicator of the system state is it on or off.

  6. Finally I use the glue gun to close the parts.

Community of Learning

Did you ask for feedback? What are the ideas that others have contributed or suggested? What was someone else’s idea that you built upon? How did you help your peers? How did your peers help you?

Title of Media

I take feedback from Shreif He liked the idea and suggested to make it suck the air out and in also using another switch, but my time was so hard to make those features.

Overcoming Challenges

When you got stuck, what/who did you turn to? At what point did you have to pause to research or learn more before moving on? What are some mistakes, pitfalls, or challenges that others can avoid if they were doing this assignment?

I think I got stuck a little bit in making the cardboard to make the fan feather glued up together to form the angled shape that allow the air suck, but I manage to make the feathers have a little depth (by adding another layer of cardboard) then it works fine.

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Final Project

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?



What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week? What is something that you will never forget from this week?

The coolest thing is to work with geeky guys and girls It was very fun really sharing ideas and jokes xD

I will never forget the instructor that helped me when I stuck and give me some advices.

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Weekly Digest [OPTIONAL]

Tell us about any other cool things that you've made this week: in the Hands-on activity, tutorial examples, exercises, or any other cool mini-project that you tried out aside from the assignment.

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Assignment Design Files