Week 4- Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

the toy that i got inspired by


i was at my aunt on friary, and by chance i saw this toy with one of the children in m family, so i loved it so much, and tried to explore how it works and i linked that i could do it with the dc motor and add some other features

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?

software /website : Tinker cad to simulate the circuit online

materials: this electricity box

an online resource: video helped me to understand ohm law more, Ohms Law Calculator

Design/Preparation Process

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?

I started by watching the videos of the exercises for week 4, and practice it, here some of what i did, I started by doing the exercises on tinker cad and with the real component through the week and on Saturday in the lab also i used this website to know the resistance that i will use

and some i failed with........


Some i succeed with.......

After i tried on tinker cad and on real, i started to think with the assignment with the idea i got inspired by above

i tried to simulate a parallel circuit with push bottom with having dc motor_led_buzzer

Then at last i used led and dc motor with adapter 5 volt and resistance 220

Development/Implementation Process

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

i tried to build the box and paint it

then preparing the circuit, i choose the 5v adapter, it was suitable for the component in my circuit

here the component that i used in the circuit:


2_5v adapter

3_jumper wires(male)(female/male)

4_crocodile wire



7_DC motor

8_resistance (220ohm)


putting the component with each other

closed circuit


mount the circuit in the box, i started by adding the dc motor


then adding the led to the circuit


then tried to add the character but i failed to fix it

Community of Learning

Did you ask for feedback? What are the ideas that others have contributed or suggested? What was someone else’s idea that you built upon? How did you help your peers? How did your peers help you?

always slack is my comfort zone to solve all the challenges that i face in the week, and to be sure that i am in the right way

Overcoming Challenges

When you got stuck, what/who did you turn to? At what point did you have to pause to research or learn more before moving on? What are some mistakes, pitfalls, or challenges that others can avoid if they were doing this assignment?

I was facing a problem of knowing the units and the abbreviation of the names, until my instructor menna elbadry explained and i continued searched on YouTube

Final Project

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

my spelling board project

as i will use led and light in my project, so this week will help my in this point



What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week? What is something that you will never forget from this week?

Title of Media

Weekly Digest [OPTIONAL]

Tell us about any other cool things that you've made this week: in the Hands-on activity, tutorial examples, exercises, or any other cool mini-project that you tried out aside from the assignment.

the most coolest thing i did this week, that I attended the HACKATHON this week, i never thought that i could do an RC car, tilll this day, i was surprised with the result

rami s idea for the surface of the car

working on the Rc car

Assignment Design Files