
Student Of the Quarter 

Student of the 1st Quarter 

Kevin Alvarenga-Becerra 

My nominee for AVID student of the quarter is Kevin Alvarenga.  Kevin has matured into an outstanding young man.  He is pushing himself by taking AP classes and his grades are excellent.  He is thinking very seriously about his future and what he wants to study in college.  Kevin epitomizes what a senior avid student should be.  I could not be more proud of him!.

Student of the 2nd Quarter 

Kalexsa Amaya

To say that Kalexsa Amaya is an amazing AVID student would be an understatement.  Kalexsa has become an outstanding individual who pushes herself in her AP classes.  She volunteers early and often in AVID to help our program improve.  Kalexsa epitomizes the AVID plan because she is more than ready for college.  I am so proud of her!