Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register if I am new to Saint Raphael or new to the PSR program?

Learn more here

Why can't I find Online Registration in ParishSOFT?

The Online Registration link is not as visible as we would like but we are at the mercy of the software company.  When you are in ParishSOFT and on the Religious Education tab (My Education tab in the first image in this link) you will see Online Registration in the pale blue area just under the tabs along the top.  

How do I reset my password for ParishSOFT?

If you need to reset your password with ParishSOFT, go to  .  There you can enter your Username and click Lost password.  A Password Reset email will be generated for you by the software.

How do I reset my password for ParishSOFT if I don't know my Username?

If you need to reset your password with ParishSOFT but don't know your Username, email Joanne Gill.  In your email mention that you are in need of your Username for Parish SOFT and provide your full name and address.  You will receive a return email when Joanne returns to the office.

We are a Returning Family but weren't in the program last year.

Families that took a year or more away from PSR are asked to contact Terri Telepak.  Please mention in your email that your family took time away from PSR and would like to register for 2022/2023 PSR.  Include your full name, and the names and grades of your children you would like to register.  We will then provide you with a Password Reset to complete the registration process.

How do I volunteer to be a Teacher/Catechist?

Thank you for offering your time to help form the youth of our Parish in the Catholic Faith.  Please contact Terri Telepak to learn more.

Why am I asked to volunteer when I register my child for PSR programs?

Our programs are made possible only with the help of our volunteers.  From teachers to parking lot shepherds, our children need our loving care.  Each year the program utilizes roughly 30 volunteers to teach in the classroom and scores of others to attend to campus safety and activity preparation.  The safety of our children, families, and teachers is of the utmost importance.  We are in need of a MINIMUM of 6 volunteers at each PSR session to monitor the hallways, driveway and parking lot.

Do I have to volunteer my time if I register my kids for PSR?

We ask each PSR family to volunteer at least once during the year if possible. 

How do I volunteer to help at PSR or Sunday Preschool/Kindergarten?

Thank you, we appreciate your help!  You may choose from the open positions on our Volunteer Page

Can I volunteer as a Teen in need of Service Hours?

Yes, we appreciate you thinking of us! Please contact Terri Telepak to explore where your skills can best be utilized.

The Sunday Preschool/Kindergarten Religion and PSR Grades 1-5 fee is $125 per student (sliding scale for added students) which helps to cover the cost of textbooks, classroom materials, supplies, and activities for our Parish School of Religion program.

The fee for Home School Religion is $45 per student (Grades K,1, 3-5) It covers the cost of the consumable student textbook, folder, paperwork and rental of the teacher manual for the parent. 

Why do I pay $45 at registration?

The $45 initial payment is a portion of your total and not an addition to it.  We will invoice you for the remainder of your PSR fees shortly after all our class assignments are finalized so that you are not overpaying 

Do you offer Financial Assistance?

Yes.  A child will never be denied a Catholic Religious Education due to financial difficulty.  As members of the Body of Christ, we are all family and we're here to help!  Our parish has a Scholarship Fund for Religious Education that assists families with financial challenges.  If you are in need, please contact Terri Telepak in the Parish Office for a confidential conversation regarding your situation. 

May I pay by Credit/Debit Card?

Yes.  Please add 3% to all payments made using Visa or MasterCard to cover processing fees.  Click here to make a payment.

May I pay by ACH?

Yes.  Click here to make a payment.

Does the Preschool program occur daily?

No.  Our Preschool/Kindergarten Religion takes place on Sundays from 9:45-11:00 a.m. in the months of September to May.  Our most recent calendar is on our Sunday Preschool/Kindergarten page.

How do I report an absence for my child?

If your child will not be in attendance for any session we ask that you contact us before class begins.  You may contact us directly or use our online Absence Form.

How many days of PSR can my child miss?

This number varies each year based on the number of scheduled classes in our calendar.  Students attending fewer than 28 classes each PSR will be required to complete and hand in missed assignments, in order to get credit for this year of Religion classes on their Permanent Record card kept on file in the Parish Office.

Why is my child's attendance important?

The Diocese of Cleveland requires a 28-32 week session year for Parish Schools of Religion based on their number of completed hours.  Saint Raphael is required to take attendance each week and keep a report of student information at the Parish Office as part of your child's Permanent Record with the Cleveland Diocese.  Your child's attendance record will be verified to you at the end of each semester on their report card. 

May my child walk or bike to PSR?

We must have advance notification in writing if you are allowing your child to walk or ride a bike to Saint Raphael property. 
Biking: The bike rack is located on Dover Center Road near the Blessed Virgin shrine (Mary statue).  Bike riders must walk bikes on to the property and park them in the bike rack and enter the Dover Center Dispensary entrance (bike rack sidewalk).  No bikes should be left at the main entrance doors off the main parking lot near Good Shepherd Square.
Walking: Walkers coming from Dover Center Road will enter the doors via the bike rack sidewalk. Walkers coming from Douglas Road will walk along the parking lot sidewalk & enter the Main Good Shepherd Square entrance.

How will my child enter the school if we arrive late?

Parents and students arriving anytime from 4:15 or 6:30 onward, must wait at the school entrance until Opening Prayer & Announcements are completed when the doors will be opened to them.  

Is it okay for my child to carry a cell phone to class?

We realize how important cell phones are in the safety of children and parents communicating with each other.  As with your child's school, Saint Raphael PSR prohibits the use of electronics for personal use during class time.  If your child carries a cell phone, it must be silenced and not used in any manner during PSR class. 

What happens if my child uses a cell phone during class?

If any technology item is view or turned on during class, the teacher will consider it "in use" and it will be confiscated after a warning.  The item will be returned to the student after class.  If this behavior happens three times, the device will be sent to the PSR Office and a parent will be called to pick up the device.  We realize how important cell phones are in the safety of children and parents communicating with each other, so please discuss our policy with your child prior to PSR class.

How is Saint Raphael Campus secured during class?

For the safety of all our children and teachers the doors of the school are secured and locked following Prayer & Announcements at the beginning of each session.  Parent hall monitors patrol the school hallways and fifteen security cameras now monitor all students and visitors in the parking lot, playground, Good Shepherd Square and all hallways and entrances.  Tinted, bullet deflective security  glass windows have been installed on all school entrance doors and classroom windows.

Is homeschooling my child an option?

Yes, if your child is entering Grade K-1 or Grades 3-5.  If your child will be in Second grade, it is strongly recommended that your child attend PSR in the classroom in order to prepare with their fellow students receiving the Sacrament.

Why is it strongly recommended that I not home school in the same year that my child receives a Sacrament?

It is policy that all parish second and eighth graders who attend a public school register for an onsite PSR class during their sacrament preparation year.  This enhances their religious education as they prepare for sacraments as part of the community of their peers at Saint Raphael Parish.  There are experiences we can give them at church and on our campus that cannot be duplicated in your home.

What is required to home school my child?

With Home School Religion, the parents are the Religion teachers. You create a plan that works for you that encompasses the following:

I have chosen to Home School, why do I need to complete a Media Release and Red Alert form?

Our Home School students and families are invited to several special events and gatherings that take place on our parish campus.  In an effort to be prepared for all situations, we ask all families participating in our PSR programs to complete these forms.

What is the completion rate for Home School Religion?

Homeschooling your child in Religion may be a wonderful blessing for your family which works well for your schedule and leaves you with personal growth in your faith!  Many remark on the great "God conversations" they have with their children!  Unfortunately, about 70% of our families that try this program, never complete it and their child does not receive Religion credit on their permanent record for that grade level. While we recognize that parents are the primary catechists of their children, this program often has a very low success rate and a high failure rate. The families that do Home School Religion well, love it and are good at it. Feedback from families who failed to complete the program tell us that while it seems very attractive at first, they didn't realize the discipline it takes and it was challenging to fit teaching weekly lessons into their already busy lives.

Assorted Questions

What policies are in place for the protection of the youth?

Saint Raphael Parish follows the guidance set forth by the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland.  Learn more by visiting the Child Protection section of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland website.

We are not Saint Raphael parishioners, can my child(ren) take PSR classes here?

Yes, we would love to have you join us!  There is an additional $50 fee per child registered.  Or, if you choose to join our parish family, you may register on the Saint Raphael Parish website and save the added fee.

What if my child isn't Baptized?

Your child can be registered and participate in PSR if he/she is not yet Baptized.  However, it is important that we know this up front so that we can help you prepare for and schedule the Sacrament of Baptism for your child as soon as possible.  Learn more about Baptism for older children by contacting Terri Telepak.