Sunday Preschool & Kindergarten Religion


Our Preschool/Kindergarten Religion classes take place on Sunday mornings from September to May in the classrooms of Saint Raphael School.  Class begins at 9:45 a.m. and runs until 11:00.  

Most area school districts, including Saint Raphael School, require the age for admittance into Kindergarten to 5 years old by August 1st.   This is also the acceptance age date for the Saint Raphael Preschool Religion program.  It’s important to keep your child with Kindergarten classmates, so they can continue to move up as a group for Grade 1 and eventually be together for First Communion in Grade 2. 

Preschool Religion

Register your child for age 3 if:

Register your child age 4 if:

Kindergarten Religion

Register your child for age 5 / Kindergarten Religion if:

Children are welcome in Saint Raphael’s Sunday Preschool/Kindergarten Religion class whether they attend Saint Raphael Kindergarten during the week, Montessori school, or a public school Kindergarten.  We use a different Religion textbook than Saint Raphael School to compliment and vary the lessons for the children.

NOTE:  If your child already attended our 3, 4, or Kindergarten Religion classes and will be repeating that year, you have a choice to request the same teacher or a different one.  Please contact Terri Telepak to discuss.

Orientation Meeting

Join us for an orientation on the Saturday before our first Sunday class September 21 at either 11:30 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. for 30 minutes in the Community Room.  Information will include the calendar of the year, Early Childhood prayers, an overview of the Preschool Religion curriculum and helpful hints for parents on teaching your child about God. Following a brief presentation, the children will be able to get oriented by visiting their classroom, sitting in a school chair at a student desk and seeing where the water fountains and restrooms are located.

Special Events & Highlights

Christmas Pageant, Adopt-a-Grandparent program, Palm Sunday Event, Neighbors that Care and Helping Hands parish food collections.  

Parent Volunteers

Saint Raphael Parish School of Religion (PSR) would not be possible without our volunteer staff and helpers.  Volunteer opportunities are scheduled on our Volunteer page.  Opportunities include:  Materials Manager, Teachers, Substitute Teachers, Classroom Aide, etc.  

Preschool/Kindergarten Religion Fee

$125 per child on a sliding scale for multiple children.  Payments & Fees