PSR Volunteers are a Blessing

In partnership with Saint Raphael Parish, scores of parent volunteers are needed to aid hundreds of children in our parish community grow in the knowledge and practice of their Catholic Faith. 
We ask each family to volunteer at least once during the PSR calendar year.

How do I sign up to volunteer?

The Sign Up button above (COMING SOON!) will take you directly to where you can choose from available positions and dates.  Please use an email address that you see often as you will be sent an email reminder a few days in advance of your scheduled assignment.

**For volunteer positions of Teacher, Substitute, Classroom Aid, and Student Aid please email Terri Telepak with your intentions and we will contact you to discuss the open positions and schedule the days when you are needed.**

Preschool/Kindergarten Volunteer Details

Preschool Religion Teacher:

Classroom Aid:

Room Parent:

PSR Volunteer Details

All Volunteers are asked to sign-in on the Volunteer Sign-in sheet each day you are on campus helping.  Please report to the PSR office (school nurses office) to find Miss Telepak. You will find the sign-in sheet on the table in the hallway.

PSR Teacher: You will receive weekly support and mentoring.  Perhaps you are interested in sharing a classroom and Team Teaching either on the same dates or on opposite weeks.  

Substitute Teacher: Fills in for regular teachers when they are unable to attend. This can be for any Teacher in need or just your child's teacher.

Teacher/Classroom Aid: Assists the teacher in the classroom.  Scheduling is based on teachers' and students' needs and your availability.

Student Aid: Assist students with unique or special needs such as physical limitation, ADHD, Autism, Education Plans, etc.

Hall Monitor (sign-up for a date through links above): Provides parental security by being in the hallways for children and visitors.  Visits classrooms to collect attendance.  One volunteer is needed each week for each session.

PSR Safety Team (sign-up for a date through links above): There are two aspects:  Traffic Safety (directing car traffic) and Shepherd Parking Lot (guiding children to and from cars)

Spiritual Olympics Service Project Team Leader: Works with the DRE to organize a service project.  There is also an opportunity to visit the social service agencies.

Spiritual Olympics Helper: Assist with preparing materials prior to the event and/or being on campus the day of Spiritual Olympics to help.  Could also be asked to help deliver donations to social service agencies.

Bakers: We will send you a reminder to donate bakery items for the PSR Bake Sale in January and/or Parish May Crowning in May.